
#ember-power-select, How to set a preselected value in ember-power-select custom-search action

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2020-01-04 08:26:51
问题 There must be a value set in "selected" attribute before typing in search parameter".Can anyone help me to sort this out ? #ember-power-select It is working with normal action-handling by setting a value for "destination" in js and assigning "destination" to "selected". Have a look at here for such examples http://www.ember-power-select.com/docs/action-handling. But can't assign a value for custom-serach-action http://www.ember-power-select.com/docs/custom-search-action. My Code: Models:

Ember Engine Uncaught Error: Could not find module ember-views/views/select

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2019-12-11 13:11:25
问题 Created new app with ember new app-name version: 1.13.13 node: 5.5.0 npm: 2.14.10 os: linux x64 After running "ember s" App works proper in browser As per guide at https://github.com/dgeb/ember-engines for running ember engine ran below command ember install ember-engines rm -rf bower_components bower install --save ember#canary #Choosed ember#canary from prompt bower install And now when i do "ember s" app gets compile properly in CLI but app gets crash in browser and i see nothing in

How to extend an ember-cli addon?

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-04 00:38:45
In my ember-cli app i have installed an addon called 'ember-cli-selectize' . Looking at the directory structure i can see that its files are located at /node_modules/ember-cli-selectize' . Now i want to create a custom component that extends this addon. How do i import/require it? I've tried these and none seems to work: var EmberSelectize = require('/ember-cli-selectize/app/components/ember-selectize'); import EmberSelectize from 'components/ember-selectize'; import EmberSelectize from 'node_modules/ember-cli-selectize/addon/components/ember-selectize'; import EmberSelectize from 'ember-cli

#ember-power-select: changing the value in one power-select box , it alternately changes the same value for another power-select box

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-02 20:32:53
问题 I used custom-search-action in #ember-power-select, changing the value in one power-select box , it alternately changes the value(sets the same value as selected in 1st select box)for another power-select box too. Below is the handlebar code: {{#each model.hpqualifications as |hpqualification|}} {{#power-select selected=hpqualification.hoprofile search=(action "hoProfile") onchange=(action (mut hpqualification.hoprofile.name) value="name") as |repo| }} {{repo.name}} {{/power-select}} {{/each}

#ember-power-select: changing the value in one power-select box , it alternately changes the same value for another power-select box

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-12-02 08:09:54
I used custom-search-action in #ember-power-select, changing the value in one power-select box , it alternately changes the value(sets the same value as selected in 1st select box)for another power-select box too. Below is the handlebar code: {{#each model.hpqualifications as |hpqualification|}} {{#power-select selected=hpqualification.hoprofile search=(action "hoProfile") onchange=(action (mut hpqualification.hoprofile.name) value="name") as |repo| }} {{repo.name}} {{/power-select}} {{/each}} The above code generated two select box since #each method has two data. Everything works fine. But