
graphviz.backend.ExecutableNotFound: failed to execute ['dot', '-Tpng'], make sure the Graphviz executables are on your systems' PATH

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2020-08-11 03:16:50
问题 I wasn't able to find any solution to this issue for one hour and decided better to ask here. The only rich info is given here with no detailed instructions to match my case. I am on Windows 10, using PyCharm to connect to offline Ubuntu 16.04 server to try some machine learning classification. The code is working to some point, then throwing this Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/graphviz/", line 159, in run proc = subprocess

graphviz.backend.ExecutableNotFound: failed to execute ['dot', '-Tpng'], make sure the Graphviz executables are on your systems' PATH

前提是你 提交于 2020-08-11 03:15:07
问题 I wasn't able to find any solution to this issue for one hour and decided better to ask here. The only rich info is given here with no detailed instructions to match my case. I am on Windows 10, using PyCharm to connect to offline Ubuntu 16.04 server to try some machine learning classification. The code is working to some point, then throwing this Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/graphviz/", line 159, in run proc = subprocess

Graphviz: Node in two subgraph

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2020-07-18 07:39:47
问题 I have a graph with different clusters. Basically I want to pair different nodes i.e. show somehow that different nodes have special relationship. So I decided to use clusters so that the nodes appear in a rectangle. The problem is that a node can be in relationship with more than one node i.e. it could be in different clusters. But I have not found out a way to insert a node in two clusters. I have the following code: digraph G {rankdir="LR"; node [fontname = "font-awesome"]; subgraph

Dot file not genearting for -view-isel-dags option

浪尽此生 提交于 2020-05-14 09:12:09
问题 While trying to see the SelectionDag nodes generated during the instruction selection phase using LLVM (built from sources with debug mode enabled), I am using the below command which is not creating Graphviz DOT file. llc -view-isel-dags sum.bc Instead it is creating sum.s file. Is there something I'm missing here? sum.c int sum(int x, int y) { return x+y; } sum.bc $ clang -emit-llvm sum.c -c -o sum.bc LLVM information $ llc -help-hidden | grep 'view-isel' -view-isel-dags - Pop up a window

graphviz 的绘图布局

懵懂的女人 提交于 2020-04-07 05:34:16
graphviz是贝尔实验室开发的一个开源的工具包,它使用一个特定的DSL(领域特定语言):dot作为脚本语言,然后使用布局引擎来解析此脚本,并完成自动布局。 graphviz中包含了众多的布局器: dot 默认布局方式,主要用于有向图 neato 基于spring-model(又称force-based)算法 基于斥力+张力的布局 twopi 径向布局 circo 圆环布局 osage fdp 用于无向图 sfdp 用于无向图 有向图相关布局 除了 fdp 之外,其他都可以适用于 有向图。 对下面有向图采用不同布局器产生的效果如下: 有向图的定义用关键字digraph定义一个有向图,用“ -> ”表示节点之间的关系 digraph G { main -> parse -> execute; main -> init; main -> cleanup; execute -> make_string; execute -> printf init -> make_string; main -> printf; execute -> compare; } dot 布局 dot 22.gv -Kdot -Tpng -o 22dot.png 由于 Kdot 是默认, 所以可以简化成 dot 22.gv -Tpng -o 22dot.png circo 布局 命令: dot 22.gv

Graph Visualization

陌路散爱 提交于 2020-04-07 05:25:02
1. 什么是graph visualization?     Graph visualization is a way of representing structural information as diagrams of abstract graphs and networks. It has important applications in networking, bioinformatics, software engineering, database and web design, machine learning, and in visual interfaces for other technical domains.   Graphviz is open source graph visualization software. It has several main layout programs. See the gallery for sample layouts. 2. 怎样安装graph visualization?   我的测试系统安装:sudo apt-get install graphviz 3. graph visulzation 的layout?   dot − filter for drawing directed graphs  


偶尔善良 提交于 2020-04-07 03:57:02
graphviz (Graph Visualization Software)是linux上著名的开源绘图软件。它的最大特点是可以使用简洁的代码绘图。 对于审美有问题的同学们(比如我),这是一个福音。 1.安装(此处略) 2.使用示例如下:[ 来源引用 ] D:\>dot -T jpg -o test.jpg <cmd> 介绍 dot 渲染的图具有明确方向性。 neato 渲染的图缺乏方向性。 twopi 渲染的图采用放射性布局。 circo 渲染的图采用环型布局。 fdp 渲染的图缺乏方向性。 sfdp 渲染大型的图,图片缺乏方向性。 来自官网: dot - "hierarchical" or layered drawings of directed graphs. This is the default tool to use if edges have directionality. neato - "spring model'' layouts. This is the default tool to use if the graph is not too large (about 100 nodes) and you don't know anything else about it. Neato attempts to minimize a global

Minimum dot product query

我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-03-29 04:00:32
Minimum dot product query (最小点积查询) : 若有一个二维向量集合V, 其大小为m. 那么在集合V上的一次最小点积查询即是说任意输入一个向量x, 返回在V中与x的点积最小的元素以及相应的点积,即 min{dot(x, vi) | vi 属于 V}。 这个问题是在 cstheory.stackexchange 上面看到的。楼主提出的问题原本是n维的最小点积查询,然后顺便提了下如果n=2, 则“immediate”就能得到一个(logm)^2的算法。我想了半天不知道他这个(logm)^2的复杂度是怎么弄出来的,但是事际上若n=2, 其实马上可以得到一个logm的算法。 首先一个观察是x的长度并不影响最后的结果(忽略那个||x||倍的缩放),所以可以假设x均为单位向量, 于是任意dot(vi, x)即是vi在x方向上的投影。这就给了我们一个启发:最小点积只能在V的凸包顶点处获得。 图1: V(黑色)与x(蓝色) 于是可以先求得V的凸包, 然后就将问题转化到求一个凸包投影到某个方向上后的端点。 图2: V 的凸包, 以及投影到x方向的最小点 如果凸包的边向量依次形成一个序列E,那么求凸包投影到x方向上的最小点即相当于将x旋转90度后(见图2中红色箭头)插入到E中的合适位置上。这可以通过二分法来得到,只是需要定义一个合适的序。这个序可以用叉乘来定义