
CentOS7下使用Sonatype Nexus3搭建Docker私有仓库

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2021-02-20 11:48:06
相关资料:   Sonatype Nexus3官方网站:   Sonatype Nexus3 Docker Hub地址:   Sonatype Nexus3一些介绍及使用:   本文参考文章: , ⒈安装Docker(必要条件)   请参考 安装Docker ⒉安装Nexus3仓储   1.拉取sonatype/nexus3镜像 docker pull sonatype/nexus3   2.启动容器 docker run -d --name nexus3 --restart=always -p 5000 : 5000


心不动则不痛 提交于 2021-02-20 08:41:00
Docker Registry分类 Docker 默认是使用https的,但是如果在自己得私有局域网中,你指明使用http也是可以的。 Registry主要的作用是托管镜像; 运行docker registry的方式一: registry运行在容器中,容器的文件是随着容器的消息而被删除。所以要为registry定义一个存储卷,这个存储卷不要放在docker host本地,而是要使用网络存储。 运行docker registry的方式二 演示: 注意在node2上创建 [root@node2 ~]# yum info docker-registry //查看registry的版本号 Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base : mirrors. 163 .com * epel: * extras: mirrors. 163 .com * updates: Available Packages Name : docker - registry Arch : x86_64 Version : 0.9 . 1 Release : 7 .el7 Size : 123 k Repo : extras / 7


亡梦爱人 提交于 2021-02-17 02:17:07
基本概念 docker简介 什么是docker Docker 最初是 dotCloud 公司创始人 Solomon Hykes 在法国期间发起的一个公司内部项目,它是基于 dotCloud 公司多年云服务技术的一次革新,并于 2013 年 3 月以 Apache 2.0 授权协议开源,主要项目代码在 GitHub 上进行维护。Docker 项目后来还加入了 Linux 基金会,并成立推动 开放容器联盟(OCI)。 Docker 自开源后受到广泛的关注和讨论,至今其 GitHub 项目已经超过 4 万 6 千个星标和一万多个 fork。甚至由于 Docker 项目的火爆,在 2013 年底,dotCloud 公司决定改名为 Docker。Docker 最初是在 Ubuntu 12.04 上开发实现的;Red Hat 则从 RHEL 6.5 开始对 Docker 进行支持;Google 也在其 PaaS 产品中广泛应用 Docker。 为什么要用docker 作为一种新兴的虚拟化方式,Docker 跟传统的虚拟化方式相比具有众多的优势。 更高效的利用系统资源 由于容器不需要进行硬件虚拟以及运行完整操作系统等额外开销,Docker 对系统资源的利用率更高。无论是应用执行速度、内存损耗或者文件存储速度,都要比传统虚拟机技术更高效。因此,相比虚拟机技术,一个相同配置的主机


China☆狼群 提交于 2021-02-13 08:47:46
一、背景 ​   最近,Docker技术真是一片火热,它的出现也弥补了虚拟机资源消耗过高的问题,直接让虚拟化技术有了质的飞跃。那么本文我们来聊一聊Docker,和大家一起认识Docker,简单入门Docker. 二、虚拟化技术简介和发展 1. 阶段一:无虚拟化技术    众所周知,在虚拟化技术出现之前,我们依靠扩展物理机的方式来扩展我们的应用,这个阶段很痛苦,也有很多的缺点,比如: Capex费用昂贵 Go to Product速度极其慢 系统可移植行极低 资源利用率极低 2. 阶段二:基于Hypervisor的虚拟化技术 这个阶段,出现的虚拟化技术让很多人开心不已,随着时间的流逝,市面上也出现不少相关的实际应用的技术,如:VMware、KVM、AWS、Microsoft的Hyper-V等。    基于Hypervisor的虚拟化技术的优点: 资源利用率高 易于扩展、伸缩 Go to Product快速 成本降低 基于Hypervisor的虚拟化技术的缺点: OS内核资源被重复消耗资源 应用移植性较低 3. 阶段三:基于容器的虚拟化技术 由于Hypervisor的虚拟化技术不是很完美,对内核的资源重复消耗,那随着技术的发展就出现了基于容器的虚拟化技术,最热的就是Docker Container了。它底层使用CGroup和Namespace来实现多个容器之间共享内核资源


你离开我真会死。 提交于 2021-02-10 16:34:55
常见docker基础镜像: 文件类型 镜像 docker镜像 FROM docker-registry:443/prometheus/busybox:glibc docker镜像 FROM docker-registry:443/h3cloud-framework/base-project-library:2.2.1-RELEASE docker镜像 FROM docker-registry:443/cloud-oc/base/host-exporter-base:oc docker镜像 FROM docker-registry:443/h3cloud-tools/openjdk:alpine-8.131.11-r2 docker镜像 FROM docker-registry:443/h3cloud-tools/openjdk:centos- docker镜像 FROM docker-registry:443/cloud-oc/base/db-exporter-base:oc docker镜像 FROM docker-registry:443/openstack-base:pike docker镜像 FROM docker-registry:443/openstack-ceilometer-base:pike docker镜像 FROM

docker registry with --insecure-registry and docker 1.5

不想你离开。 提交于 2021-02-10 06:17:50
问题 I have an issue with docker 1.5. So, I run a private registry at myregistry:5000. I can push & pull from an other location (debian 7 & docker 1.4) with : DOCKER_OPTS="--insecure-registry myregistry:5000" in /etc/default/docker Now, I have a new system with docker 1.5 and debian 8, it's not working anymore. I tried all possibilities like, --insecure-registry=myregistry:5000 or --insecure-registry http://myregistry:5000 Any clue? (Note : It works well if I stop docker and launch docker -d -

Docker Windows Local Registry: received unexpected HTTP status: 500 Internal Server Error

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2021-02-08 17:36:52
问题 I am attempting to push an image of a windows container to a "local" repository on a Windows VM, which has it's own IP address. So when I create the registry on my VM, I can view the repository list on my local machine by going to the ipaddress:5000 just fine. However, when I try to push an image to the registry it shows the layers to be pushed but at the bottom it says received unexpected HTTP status: 500 Internal Server Error. This isn't a problem when I switch to Linux containers. I can

Docker Windows Local Registry: received unexpected HTTP status: 500 Internal Server Error

半世苍凉 提交于 2021-02-08 17:36:04
问题 I am attempting to push an image of a windows container to a "local" repository on a Windows VM, which has it's own IP address. So when I create the registry on my VM, I can view the repository list on my local machine by going to the ipaddress:5000 just fine. However, when I try to push an image to the registry it shows the layers to be pushed but at the bottom it says received unexpected HTTP status: 500 Internal Server Error. This isn't a problem when I switch to Linux containers. I can

How to get list of published docker images from GCP registry programmatically

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2021-02-05 05:51:28
问题 I'm trying to find some API (for example java, but could be some other) how to get published docker image names / tags from google cloud platform registry. I found how to do this using gcloud console commands: gcloud container images list-tags[GCP_REPOSITORY_NAME] And it basically gave what I want, but it is console and I need this data get programmatically on back-end side. Any ideas guys? Thanks in advance. 回答1: Currently there is no REST API for the Google Container Registry

docker (behind a proxy) pull from azure container registry works but from, it gives certificate signed by unknown authority error

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2021-01-28 05:15:18
问题 In ubuntu 18.04 VM I am behind a proxy, I've set up docker configuration with the same proxy. I created an azure container registry and when trying to docker pull from the registry it works. But when trying to: $docker run node:6 I get the error: "docker: Error response from daemon: Get x509: certificate signed by unknown authority." I've added the registry to /etc/docker/daemon.json: { "insecure-registries": ["","myazureContainerRegistry