

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2020-01-13 07:22:28
本章目的:DFMA方法运用,引导后面的章节。(运用比只理解重要!) 1.DFMA概述 1.1 DFMA的由来 工艺粗略可分为装配工艺和制造工艺。在这里,我们所讲的“制造”是指产品或部件的某个零件的制造,“装配”是指把零件相互连接以形成完整的产品。 而在上一个章节 进阶篇:1)制造发展与对设计的要求; 中述说过,随着机械行业的发展,对设计者的要求也越高了。工艺中有些知识是结构设计工作者必须掌握的, 这些必须掌握的知识,称之为面向xx的设计(DFX)。 制造工艺的知识是面向制造的设计(DFM),装配工艺的知识为面向装配的设计(DFA)。 1.2 DFMA定义 因此,术语“面向制造的设计”(DFM)指的是易于制造并组装成产品的所有零件的设计,“面向装配的设计”(DFA)指的是易于装配的产品设计;而面向制造和装配的设计(DFMA)则是DFA和DFM的结合产物,即上述两种设计方法合并称为DFMA:Design for Manufacturing and Assembly。 1.3 DFMA的作用 DFMA主要用于三项活动: 1)作为并行工程研究的基础,为设计团队在简化产品结构,减少制造和装配成本,并量化改进方面提供指导。 2)作为研究竞争对手产品的基准工具,可以量化制造和装配的难度。 3)作为成本工具,控制成本,帮助协商达成供应合同。 1.4 DFMA的学习内容 DFA(面向装配的设计

Is there a Delphi option to 'lock' the design (layout) of a form against accidental changes?

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-12-29 07:39:07
问题 After years of Delphi development I now have hundreds of forms shared throughout our Applications. Compilation ranges from Delphi 7 through to XE, thus one form might be opened in any IDE. The well-known Explicitxxx property addition after Delphi 7 has solutions to avoid a form accidentally acquiring properties that earlier compilers can't process (e.g Andreas's DDevExtensions) but I'd like a more positive 'switch' that prevented Delphi from making or saving any form modifications at all.

Delphi - Why does ExplicitWidth and ExplicitHeight keep appearing in .DFM files and what is it?

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-29 06:34:11
问题 We've noticed that when checking in updates, our .DFM files have added ExplicitWidth and ExplicitHeight properties - but we don't know why. My questions are: What are these properties for? Why are they automatically added by Delphi? Below is an example showing the added ExplicitWidth property: object Splitter2: TcxSplitter Left = 0 Top = 292 Width = 566 Height = 8 Cursor = crVSplit HotZoneClassName = 'TcxXPTaskBarStyle' AlignSplitter = salBottom Control = BottomPanel Color = clBtnFace

Delphi: how to lock dfm-s to not change…?

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-24 12:16:59
问题 We used Delphi 6 long times ago. Our problem, that Delphi have two problems with DFMs: 1.) When some linked resource (like DataSet) will removed, Delphi many times forget to ask you that "some of the resources are linked, you need to redirect...". This happens, when the actual form is not added to the project, or it is not opened. 2.) When we only open the DFM, and only see some thing, may we change it (active TabSheet, form position). Then Delphi auto save the form - and sometimes it drops

Are there any Delphi DFM to Delphi source code convertion tools?

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-22 08:54:58
问题 The Delphi form designer is very good but we need to work directly from source. Is there a tool or script that can take a batch of DFM files and convert them to Delphi source code? 回答1: You can use the ComponentsToCode function from GExperts 回答2: Use DFM Editor tool that can catch dfm files from exe file 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7332592/are-there-any-delphi-dfm-to-delphi-source-code-convertion-tools

Are there any Delphi DFM to Delphi source code convertion tools?

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-22 08:54:15
问题 The Delphi form designer is very good but we need to work directly from source. Is there a tool or script that can take a batch of DFM files and convert them to Delphi source code? 回答1: You can use the ComponentsToCode function from GExperts 回答2: Use DFM Editor tool that can catch dfm files from exe file 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7332592/are-there-any-delphi-dfm-to-delphi-source-code-convertion-tools

A quick way to remove properties from .dfm files in Delphi

房东的猫 提交于 2019-12-22 04:28:13
问题 I have recently modified one of my components, and it so happens it is no longer using one of the properties it used before. However, those properties are written in multiple .dfm files throughout the project. Now, when i try to compile the project, i get "Error reading .: Property <...> does not exist" The complicated part is that the property value is binary data (stored in multiple lines), and i cant just delete it with Delphi replace or notepad++ regexp (since they are single-line based).

Some way to rearrange components positions, sizes, ownership (properties in general) at run-time following a design-time rule

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-11 06:29:15
问题 We have an application that have many components on the forms (panels, tabs, edits, comboboxes, etc...). But depending on the user profile, most of them could be filled automatically and/or not be visible. So, users could do their work faster. The question: Is there any easier way to create, position, change ownership etc, at runtime? I would like to create 2 .dfm files for a given unit and then have something to tell the application what .dfm to use. Like: "Hey! User is advanced, use the

Do we have Button down property as Boolean

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-10 15:07:34
问题 I am assigned to convert delphi code to .Net, and was wondering if we have down property of button as in delphi has? As answered in this link How to make a Delphi TSpeedButton stay pressed if it's the only one in the group Can we achieve this behavior in .Net Button control? 回答1: Try to use CheckBox control. Set Appearance property to Button to make it look like a toggle button. 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9931516/do-we-have-button-down-property-as-boolean

Are there any Delphi DFM to Delphi source code convertion tools?

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-05 11:59:12
The Delphi form designer is very good but we need to work directly from source. Is there a tool or script that can take a batch of DFM files and convert them to Delphi source code? You can use the ComponentsToCode function from GExperts Use DFM Editor tool that can catch dfm files from exe file 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7332592/are-there-any-delphi-dfm-to-delphi-source-code-convertion-tools