
Prevent Malicious Requests - DOS Attacks

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-12-31 10:42:14
问题 I'm developing an asp.net MVC web application and the client has request that we try our best to make it as resilient as possible to Denial of Service attacks. They are worried that the site may receive malicious high volume requests with the intention to slow/take down the site. I have discussed this with the product owner as really being out of the remit for the actual web application. I believe it falls to the responsibility of the hosting/network team to monitor traffic and respond to

Prevent Malicious Requests - DOS Attacks

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-31 10:42:05
问题 I'm developing an asp.net MVC web application and the client has request that we try our best to make it as resilient as possible to Denial of Service attacks. They are worried that the site may receive malicious high volume requests with the intention to slow/take down the site. I have discussed this with the product owner as really being out of the remit for the actual web application. I believe it falls to the responsibility of the hosting/network team to monitor traffic and respond to

How to prevent DoS attack in ASP.NET MVC applications?

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-31 09:20:32
问题 I don't want someone keep F5 my site or using some tool to request the page frequently. That is to say, prevent an Action or the Controller to be invoked frequently by one client. How can I implement this? Is there any package I can use? just like AntiXSS library. 回答1: Most of these features are going to be found in the IIS manager. Something like Dynamic IP Restrictions should help. Read through Microsoft's Best Practices for Preventing DoS/Denial of Service Attacks, this provides a good

Linux TCP server: reading client's IP address before accepting connection

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-30 09:29:07
问题 Related: C++ Winsock API how to get connecting client IP before accepting the connection? Hi, when you are running a TCP server (written in C, using the Berkeley Socket API) is it possible to read a client's IP address/port before actually accepting the connection? As far as I know you have to accept the connection first and shutdown it directly thereafter, if you don't want to communicate with a given client because of its IP address. Pseudo-code (I am looking for the peek and refuse method)

记录一次cc攻击之旅,使用ddos deflate 修改之旅

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-28 04:14:21
故事的开篇,是在三月三十日,应该是友商攻击公司网站。 从晚上四点开始攻击,攻击网站上,还有 里面还有阿里云的ip。气愤。想投诉。 开始讲如何解决的把。首先用 netstat -ntu | awk ‘{print $5}’ | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n 尼玛卖批。哪个龟儿子一直请求这个页面。并发2800. 首先,把他ip从防火墙禁止了。 iptables -I INPUT -s -j DROP 五条命名下去。想如何防范下一次,这种问题。 1、首先找到了ddos deflate 开源来轻微减少一点 切换超级管理员命令 wget http://www.inetbase.com/scripts/ddos/install.sh //下载DDoS deflate chmod 0700 install.sh //添加权限 ./install.sh //执行 安装路劲都在/usr/local/ddos/里面。 安装执行后,会自动在/etc/cron.d/里面加入一个ddos.cron 文件 这个我们就不用去管了。 2、 因为ddos.sh 会自动在把连接地址,加入白名单的行为。我觉得,如果一不小心,删除了iptables里面的DROP INPUT.会让攻击者IP 进来。我们对ddos.sh 源码做一个更改。 3

Learning Applescript: Trouble linking to Safari

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-25 05:07:47
问题 Run Down Hello, this is a very specific and situation question. Basically, I'm running Applescript in Automator on Safari, and the result is Null. What I Have I currently have a script that can do these things: Before I even run the Automator program, I have Safari open Next I run the Automator, which starts with this code: on run {input, parameters} tell application "Safari" to activate tell application "System Events" keystroke "t" using command down end tell return input end run This

Using ThreadPoolExecutor and DiscardPolicy

心已入冬 提交于 2019-12-24 13:42:53
问题 I need to make a client queue with ThreadPoolExecutor and an ability to drop clients if it exceeds some number (5 for example). It is kinda DDOS protection. When client #6 is requesting my server - it got dropped, etc. I got my server and client code, but I don't know how to realize ThreadPoolExecutor and DiscardPolicy. Ideas or examples? Simple server: import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.net


强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-12-24 01:19:34
一. 什么是 DoS & DDoS ?   拒绝服务攻击(Denial-of-Service Attack)亦称洪水攻击,是一种网络攻击手法,其目的在于使目标电脑的网络或系统资源耗尽,使服务暂时中断或停止,导致其正常用户无法访问。   分布式拒绝服务攻击(Distributed Denial-of-Service Attack),是使用网络上两个或两个以上被攻陷的电脑作为 “僵尸” 向特定的目标发动 “拒绝服务” 式攻击。 二. 常见类型及攻击原理   (1)被攻击特征   受害主机在 DDoS 攻击下,明显特征就是大量的不明数据报文流向受害主机,受害主机的 网络接入 带宽被耗尽,或者受害主机的 系统资源 (存储资源和计算资源)被大量占用,甚至发生死机。前者可称为带宽消耗攻击,后者称为 系统资源 消耗攻击。两者可能单独发生,也可能同时发生。 DDOS按拒绝对象可以分为:带宽消耗型攻击、资源消耗型攻击。 从协议层次划分: OSI 层级 攻击内容 Network Based (2-4层) IP Fragment Tear Drop SYN Flood (Dirt Jumper) TCP (connection) Flood e.g. SYN-ACK, ACK & PUSH-ACK, RST or FIN and Fragmented ACK Christmas Tree Fake


戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-23 21:30:23
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> DoS 攻击、 DDoS 攻击和 DRDoS 攻击相信大家已经早有耳闻了吧 !DoS 是 Denial of Service 的简写就是拒绝服务,而 DDoS 就是 Distributed Denial of Service 的简写就是分布式拒绝服务 , 而 DRDoS 就是 Distributed Reflection Denial of Service 的简写 , 这是分布反射式拒绝服务的意思。不过这 3 中攻击方法最厉害的还是 DDoS ,那个 DRDoS 攻击虽然是新近出的一种攻击方法,但它只是 DDoS 攻击的变形,它的唯一不同就是不用占领大量的 “ 肉鸡 ” 。这三种方法都是利用 TCP 三次握手的漏洞进行攻击的,所以对它们的防御办法都是差不多的。 DoS 攻击是最早出现的,它的攻击方法说白了就是单挑,是比谁的机器性能好、速度快。但是现在的科技飞速发展,一般的网站主机都有十几台主机, 而且各个主机的处理能力、内存大小和网络速度都有飞速的发展,有的网络带宽甚至超过了千兆级别。这样我们的一对一单挑式攻击就没有什么作用了,搞不好自己 的机子就会死掉。举个这样的攻击例子,假如你的机器每秒能够发送 10 个攻击用的数据包,而被你攻击的机器 ( 性能、网络带宽都是顶尖的 ) 每秒能够接受并处理 100

Prevent AJAX flooding in Javascript

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-23 17:37:57
问题 My site has a Javascript method that makes an AJAX request to add an item to cart without reloading the page and making a simple notification. AddToCart() However, using any Javascript console, I found you can flood this request with a simple statement: while (true) {AddToCart()} And eventually lock the server until the browser crashes. A more stable browsing environment could probably even lock the server indefinitely. So what would be the best way to protect against such an attempt? 回答1: