
How can I programmatically move from one cell in a datagridview to another?

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-30 23:48:13
问题 I need to only allow one character to be entered into the editable datagridview cells (every other column, the odd-numbered ones, are editable); if the user adds a second character while in one of these cells, the cursor should move to the next cell down and put that second value there (pressing again on that key moves down again, and so forth). If at the bottom of the grid (the 12th row), it should move to row 0 and also move two columns to the right. I tried doing this: private void

Changing values from columns according to DataGridViewComboBoxCell

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-24 19:47:15
问题 I have the following DataGridViewComboBoxColumn which is generated in execution time and inserted in a DataGridView : Public Sub GenerateCol() Try Col.DataSource = LoadData() Col.DisplayMember = "code" Col.ValueMember = "code" Col.Name = "col2" Col.HeaderText = "Column 2" Col.DataPropertyName = "col2" Col.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.Automatic dgv.Columns.Insert(15, Col) Catch ex As Exception MsgBox("ERROR: " & vbCrLf & ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Information) End Try End Sub And this is

DataGridViewTextBoxCell.ReadOnly = true, but can still change the selected value

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-24 17:12:58
问题 DataGridViewComboBoxCell.ReadOnly = true, but can still change the selected value has the same question but user was satisfied with an answer I can't implement. I got a dataGridView with many columns, one of which is a checkBoxColumn, which should activate or deactivate another column with text: Now, the code I got works perfect once the dataGridView is loaded: I click on the checkboxes and they work as expected. The problem is that I want the dataGridView to disable AllergiesDescription

How to prevent going to next row after editing a DataGridViewTextBoxColumn and pressing EnterKey?

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-17 11:46:32
问题 I'm working on a program with DataGridViews . In one DatagridView there is a DataGridViewTextBoxColumn , which is enabled to be edited by the user. When the user is done with typing the numbers into it, he presses ENTER on the keyboard. Now the DataGridView does all its Events , and after all Events , the last thing is the problem. Everything is done, and Windows is going to Select the next DataGridViewRow , and I'm not able to prevent this. I tried if (e.KeyData == Keys.Enter) e

C# DataGridView DataGridViewTextCell to DataGridViewComboBoxCell editable text

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-11 23:55:36
问题 I have a DataGridView with a TextBoxColumn. I would like to be able to click on the cell to enter edit mode, and when I do a drop down will appear with options for the user to pick, or if the user does not want one of those options, they are able to edit the cell (as if there was no drop down). Then when the user leaves the cell, the value (either what they typed, or what they chose) will be saved. There are lots of answers to adding the user typed choice to the drop down list, but this is

DataGridView Cell Editing issue with decimal/hexadecimal formatting

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-12-11 02:23:56
问题 I have a DataGridView bound to a DataTable that has 1+16 columns defined as Integer . The default cell style is hexadecimal 2 digits ( .Format="X2" ). When entering in cell editing I would like to provide to the user, the possibility to write the value in decimal or hexdacimal. Hexadecimal could be written like, for example, 0x00, 0X01, x02, XFF Decimal like 0, 1, 2, 15 For this reason in EditingControlShowing I add "0x" to the TextBox value Private Sub BankGrid_EditingControlShowing(ByVal