
Cannot compile CSCORE after retargeting to .NET 4.7.2

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2021-02-08 10:26:06
问题 I retargeted the class library to 4.7.2 in order to be more recent and use CSCORE in a .NET Core 3.1 application that i am building. I cant compile cause the post-build event returns -1: Building on a Windows 10 machine with 2004 update. Post-Build event : @echo off & setLocal EnableDELAYedeXpansion chcp 65001 set errorCode=0 set target=$(TargetPath) set project=$(ProjectPath) set sdk=%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v8.1A\bin\NETFX 4.5.1 Tools set framework=%WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET

Speech recognition with Microsoft Cognitive Speech API and non-microphone real-time audio stream

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2020-01-31 06:17:04
问题 Problem My project consists of a desktop application that records audio in real-time, for which I intend to receive real-time recognition feedback from an API. With a microphone , a real-time implementation using Microsoft's new Speech-to-Text API is trivial, with my scenario differing from that only in the sense that my data is written to a MemoryStream object. API Support This article explains how to implement the API's Recognizer (link) with custom audio streams , which invariably requires

Speech recognition with Microsoft Cognitive Speech API and non-microphone real-time audio stream

你。 提交于 2020-01-31 06:17:04
问题 Problem My project consists of a desktop application that records audio in real-time, for which I intend to receive real-time recognition feedback from an API. With a microphone , a real-time implementation using Microsoft's new Speech-to-Text API is trivial, with my scenario differing from that only in the sense that my data is written to a MemoryStream object. API Support This article explains how to implement the API's Recognizer (link) with custom audio streams , which invariably requires

Get processname or ID from CSCore audiostream

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2020-01-16 04:05:29
问题 I have filtered all audio streams from my programs with CSCore lib. It works fine, but I have no idear which stream belong to which process. Is there a way to get the processId oder processname per stream? my code: public class Audio { public static void start(ListBox device, ListBox process) { using (var sessionManager = GetDefaultAudioSessionManager2(DataFlow.Render)) { using (var sessionEnumerator = sessionManager.GetSessionEnumerator()) { foreach (var session in sessionEnumerator) { using

C# recording audio from soundcard [closed]

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-28 03:38:06
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 6 years ago . I want to record audio from my soundcard(output). I've found CSCore on codeplex but I could not find any examples. Does anyone know how to use the library to record audio from my soundcard and write the record data onto the harddrive? Or does anyone know a few tutorials on that library? 回答1: Take a look at the

Check if an application emits sound

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-23 05:29:29
问题 today I am here to ask you how you can " understand " if a given application is emitting sound. On windows 7 and 8 I use the following code (library CSCore Audio ) [...] AudioSessionManager2 sessionManager = GetDefaultAudioSessionManager2(DataFlow.Render); AudioSessionEnumerator sessionEnumerator = sessionManager.GetSessionEnumerator(); AudioSessionControl2 sessionControl; foreach (AudioSessionControl session in sessionEnumerator) { sessionControl = session.QueryInterface<AudioSessionControl2

CSCore loopback recording when muted

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-11 13:25:30
问题 I'm using CSCore.WasapiLoopbackCapture to record system sound. But when there is no sound in system, it doesn't record at all! For instance, while playing music and recording it, the output file's duration is less than the track's. I want it to continue recording even when there is no sound in the system but I didn't find any property to control this behavior. Here is my code snippet: WasapiCapture waveLoop = new WasapiLoopbackCapture(); waveLoop.Initialize(); waveLoop.DataAvailable +=

CSCore: How to apply an effect during audio capture

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-11 11:09:14
问题 First of all: I found already this question: Is it possible to capture audio output and apply effects to it?. But it does not answer my question. My problem: I've asked how to record the audio output with cscore a few month ago: C# recording audio from soundcard. All that works fine, but now I would like to extend my application. I would like to offer the ability to apply effects to the recorded audio in realtime. I've already found this documentation:

CSCore Application Audio Mixer Name+Peak

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-04 19:08:51
i try to get the peak(the level of the green bar in the audio mixer of win7) of a processID for example 5640 - Spotify. Searched at the Internet for a good library. I found CSCore. Now I have this: class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { using (var sessionManager = GetDefaultAudioSessionManager2(DataFlow.Render)) { using (var sessionEnumerator = sessionManager.GetSessionEnumerator()) { foreach (var session in sessionEnumerator) { using (var audioMeterInformation = session.QueryInterface<AudioMeterInformation>()) { Console.WriteLine(audioMeterInformation.GetPeakValue()*100); } } } }

How to set speaker sound enhancement settings

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-12-02 08:12:15
问题 How can I programatically set those sound effects available from the Windows Speaker Settings (Enhancements tab)? 回答1: I am afraid of that this is not possible. See the comment of Maurits on his blog. Each endpoint has two property stores; the "endpoint property store" displayed above, and the "effects property store." The endpoint property store is exposed to applications, but the effects property store is limited to: 1) the audio driver 2) the audio engine 3) the Sound control panel. So