Cannot compile CSCORE after retargeting to .NET 4.7.2

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2021-02-08 10:26:06


I retargeted the class library to 4.7.2 in order to be more recent and use CSCORE in a .NET Core 3.1 application that i am building.

I cant compile cause the post-build event returns -1:

Building on a Windows 10 machine with 2004 update.

Post-Build event :

@echo off & setLocal EnableDELAYedeXpansion
  chcp 65001

  set errorCode=0

  set target=$(TargetPath)
  set project=$(ProjectPath)

  set sdk=%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v8.1A\bin\NETFX 4.5.1 Tools
  set framework=%WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727
  set inlineILCompiler=$(SolutionDir)Tools\InlineILCompiler\InlineILCompiler\bin\$(ConfigurationName)\InlineILCompiler.exe
  set cscli=$(SolutionDir)Tools\CSCli\bin\$(ConfigurationName)\CSCli.exe

  IF exist "%sdk%\." (
  echo OK: The Microsoft Windows SDK was found.
  ) else (
  echo FAILED: The Microsoft Windows SDK Dir was not found. Check the following path: "%sdk%"
  goto EXIT_ERR
  IF exist "%framework%\." (
  echo OK: The .NET Framework Dir was found.
  ) else (
  echo FAILED: The Framework-Dir was not found. Check the following path: "%framework%"
  goto EXIT_ERR
  IF exist "%inlineILCompiler%" (
  echo OK: Found the inline-il-compiler.
  ) else (
  echo FAILED: The inline-il-compiler was not found. Check the following path: "%inlineILCompiler%"
  goto EXIT_ERR
  IF exist "%cscli%" (
  echo OK: Found the cscli-compiler.
  ) else (
  echo FAILED: The cscli was not found. Check the following path: "%cscli%"
  goto EXIT_ERR

  if $(ConfigurationName) == Debug (
  echo Build-Configuration: DEBUG
  echo    DEBUG=IMPL
  echo    NO OPTIMIZE
  set ilasm_args=/DLL /DEBUG=IMPL
  ) else (
  if $(ConfigurationName) == Release (
  echo Build-Configuration: RELEASE
  echo    NO DEBUG
  echo    OPTIMIZE
  set ilasm_args=/DLL /OPTIMIZE
  ) else (
  echo FAILED: Invalid Configuration.
  goto EXIT_ERR

  echo Calling the inline-il-compiler ...
  call "%inlineILCompiler%"

  echo Calling CSCli ...
  call "%cscli%" -file:"$(TargetPath)" -r:"RemoveObjAttribute" -c:"CSCalliAttribute"

  EXIT /B %errorCode%

  set errorCode=-1
  goto EXIT


Just keep these 2 folders shown in the image on the directory of the directory of CSCore.csproj. I've been gone through this problem. I solved this way. If you need any more clarification on that please let me know.

Now make sure that the project build order is like shown in the image.

