
Studio for WinForms:绑定甘特图表数据源

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-25 18:33:42
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 当 C1Chart 绑定数据源时,我们需要指定特定图表系列对应的字段,包括坐标轴的字段和图表绘制的数据字段。图表绑定数据源基本内容请参考帮助文档 点击进入 ,虽然已经比较详细,但还是有些用户在绑定甘特图表时遇到困难。 在本篇博客中我们将讨论如何绑定甘特图表的数据源。 甘特图表 甘特图用于说明各项工作的时间表,甘特图表的数据源绑定和柱型图和高低图十分类似: 和柱状图类似,甘特图表也使用柱状图形, 但通常是倒置和反转的柱状图。 Y 和 Y1 分别代表起止时间。 甘特图表可以使用以下两种方式定制时间轴: 活动/任务 活动/任务一般显示在图表的左侧部分(即为X轴),下部显示时间轴。 任务区间 每个任务区间作被显示为一个条状图形。柱状图的开始显示任务开始时间,结尾显示任务结束时间。 绑定甘特图表类型首先需要设置 DataTable 给 Chart 的DataSource 属性,然后添加图表系列(任务)给图表。绑定时,需要设置任务名称字段给 ChartDataSeries.X 属性 , 设置开始时间点给 ChartDataSeries.Y 属性结束时间点给 ChartDataSeries.Y1 属性 。 关键代码: // 设置图表类型c1Chart1.ChartGroups[0].ChartType =

Cannot find wijmo.grid.wijgrid control on Component One Studio Enterprise's “Studio for ASP.NET wijmo” installation

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-25 05:13:19
问题 I have installed the Studio for ASP.NET wijmo with license activated. I can use the c1 controls for ASP.NET applications. Now I wish to use the "wijgrid" and other widgets for HTML5 application. I looked into this folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\ComponentOne\Studio for ASP.NET Wijmo" to any subfolder available for HTML5 widgets. But I can see only the folders 1. ASP.NET MVC Tools 2. bin 3. c1excel etc.. and not any folders for HTML5 widgets. And if I try to include tools in HTML tab in toolbox

Silverlight 5 printing garbled Reports

可紊 提交于 2019-12-25 01:34:38
问题 I am using a C1ReportViewer control, and have already posted a question on the C1 forums, however i thought i would post here as well to see if anyone had run across a similar issue. The control uses the generic silverlight PrintDocument() method. When printing a Crystal Report from this control in Silverlight 5 sometimes the report prints out garbled, meaning different sized text, tapered lines and generally out of position. It also rarely prints the entire report. I have narrowed the issue

How to show the Heading of a Sub-Report on each page?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-13 15:14:08
问题 What property do i need to set in the C1Report Designer to display the heading of my sub report on each new page. Repeat = true With that property set, the sub report does not show the heading on each new page. It does work fine for the Main Report tho. 回答1: You need to add a Grouping on the primary key field for the sub-report. Then check the header and footer section. Then set the repeat = true for the header and footer section. 来源:

How to create a report using c# with Active Reports?

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-12 14:36:58
问题 I have never created any report in VS, now i am facing problem in adding reference to my project. Can any one tell me the basics of Report Generation and How to add reference to our project? 回答1: The purpose of report generation is to take data from a source such as a database, XML stream or a spreadsheet, and use it to produce a document in a format which satisfies a particular human readership. Please refer ComponentOne HelpCentral for Active Reports for topics to get started with

iPhone Phonegap based app load External website made of componentone

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-11 03:35:31
问题 My Client wants a native iPhone App that displays their mobile site optimized for iPhone developed using and ComponentOnes Studio for iPhone. i was planning to use a PhoneGap app which calls an external URL using JavaScript and do it after showing the splash screen. but according to phoneGap FAQ its most likely to apple to reject an app that loads external URL ? just need somebody to clear me on the whole process. isnt it possible to create an app like that ? i've seen various iPhone

ComponentOne's FlexGrid Background Color

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-08 07:37:51
问题 I have a WPF Caliburn.Micro application. I used to have there a DataGrid, and here is a part of the code: <DataGrid x:Name="FirstEntries" Grid.Row="5" AutoGenerateColumns="False" BaseControls:DataGridExtension.Columns="{Binding FirstEntryGridColumns}" CanUserAddRows="False" IsReadOnly="True" SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SelectedFirstEntry}"> <DataGrid.Resources> <conv:StatusToBackgroundColorConverter x:Key="StatusToBackgroundColor"/> </DataGrid.Resources> <DataGrid.ItemContainerStyle> <Style

ComponentOne's FlexGrid Background Color

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-06 15:20:54
I have a WPF Caliburn.Micro application. I used to have there a DataGrid, and here is a part of the code: <DataGrid x:Name="FirstEntries" Grid.Row="5" AutoGenerateColumns="False" BaseControls:DataGridExtension.Columns="{Binding FirstEntryGridColumns}" CanUserAddRows="False" IsReadOnly="True" SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SelectedFirstEntry}"> <DataGrid.Resources> <conv:StatusToBackgroundColorConverter x:Key="StatusToBackgroundColor"/> </DataGrid.Resources> <DataGrid.ItemContainerStyle> <Style TargetType="{x:Type DataGridRow}"> <Style.Setters> <Setter Property="Background" Value="{Binding Path

Alternative to ComponentOne 3D Surface Map Chart [closed]

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-04 09:53:38
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 3 years ago . We are investigating alterntive control libraries for a new project we are working on. One of the requirements is to display data in the form of a surface map, as per the ComponentOne Chart below. We've used the C1 control in the past but are not entirely happy with it - so wondered if anyone can recommoned some

convert RTF to HTML from ComponentOne RichTextBox?

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-02 15:29:11
问题 The section Read and Write Rich Text Format Documents of this online article of UWP edition of ComponentOne reads: you can use it to convert RTF to HTML and vice versa. I went through their API document and did not find any code example of such functionality and could not figure out which method from their APIs to use. Question : Could you please provide (or link to an online sample) for converting RTF to HTML from RichTextBox control of ComponentOne's UWP Edition? I'm using C# but VB code