
Bash completion to make 'cd' command complete working directories from other running shells?

不想你离开。 提交于 2021-02-07 14:31:13
问题 I'm trying to write a bash completion that will let me complete directory names that other shells are in. For example, suppose I have another shell open in /very/long/path/name , and I'm currently in a directory that contains subdirs foo and bar . When I type cd <Tab> , I want to see: $ cd <Tab> foo/ bar/ /very/long/path/name I have this command to produce the list of potential completions: ps -Cbash -opid= | xargs pwdx | cut -d" " -f2 | sort -u | while read; do echo ${REPLY#$PWD/}; done |

Bash completion to make 'cd' command complete working directories from other running shells?

流过昼夜 提交于 2021-02-07 14:29:23
问题 I'm trying to write a bash completion that will let me complete directory names that other shells are in. For example, suppose I have another shell open in /very/long/path/name , and I'm currently in a directory that contains subdirs foo and bar . When I type cd <Tab> , I want to see: $ cd <Tab> foo/ bar/ /very/long/path/name I have this command to produce the list of potential completions: ps -Cbash -opid= | xargs pwdx | cut -d" " -f2 | sort -u | while read; do echo ${REPLY#$PWD/}; done |

Swift - Firebase function signInWithEmail don't execute in the first call

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2021-01-27 20:36:02
问题 @IBAction func loginEmailButton(sender: AnyObject) { FIRAuth.auth()?.signInWithEmail(email.text!, password: password.text!, completion: { (user, error) in if error != nil { if let errCode = FIRAuthErrorCode(rawValue: error!.code) { switch errCode { case .ErrorCodeInvalidEmail: self.emailLoginStatus = "invalid email" case .ErrorCodeUserDisabled: self.emailLoginStatus = "User account disabled" case .ErrorCodeWrongPassword: self.emailLoginStatus = "Wrong Password" case .ErrorCodeUserNotFound:

Why does the completion handler does not return anything?

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2020-01-30 13:18:47
问题 So, I have a json get request which gets all horse objects of class Horse. This works successfully. I have a completion handler which is supposed to let me use the horses object again in another view where I call the getHorses request but when I try to get those objects into another array it does not append them. Why is that the case? Here is my code: func getJSONHorses (completion: @escaping ([Horse])->[Horse]) { //Message<[Horse]> let url = "http://localhost:8083/horses" if let url = URL

zsh - first tab completion with autocd

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-25 01:44:20
问题 I am currently switching from csh to zsh I am writing a .zshrc trying to get all the options I am used to in this new shell. I use autocd (to go into a directory just typing its name (without the cd command), and I wonder if it is possible that my first propose all the files existing in the current directory (like it's working in csh). I am quite used to this way of having an overview of the files I can open or directory I can "autocd" into, before typing my command just pressing without

How to perform an action only after data are downloaded from Firebase

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-12-17 21:23:14
问题 I'm trying to figure out how to trigger an action only after the observeSingleEvent in Firebase has finished its work. The reason behind is that I need to do the following operations: According to one input from the user I need to get some data from the database When these data are completely downloaded, I need to process them a little bit and use to retrieve other data to be shown to the user Currently I'm using this code: let listOfTags = [String]() var outputArray = [String]() if


爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-10 05:43:23
综述 在上一篇介绍了linux驱动的调试方法,这一篇介绍一下在驱动编程中会遇到的并发和竟态以及如何处理并发和竞争。 首先什么是并发与竟态呢?并发(concurrency)指的是多个执行单元同时、并行被执行。而并发的执行单元对共享资源(硬件资源和软件上的全局、静态变量)的访问则容易导致竞态(race conditions)。可能导致并发和竟态的情况有: SMP(Symmetric Multi-Processing),对称多处理结构。SMP是一种紧耦合、共享存储的系统模型,它的特点是多个CPU使用共同的系统总线,因此可访问共同的外设和存储器。 中断。中断可 打断正在执行的进程,若中断处理程序访问进程正在访问的资源,则竞态也会发生。中断也可能被新的更高优先级的中断打断,因此,多个中断之间也可能引起并发而导致竞态。 内核进程的抢占。linux是可抢占的,所以一个内核进程可能被另一个高优先级的内核进程抢占。如果两个进程共同访问共享资源,就会出现竟态。 以上三种情况只有SMP是真正意义上的并行,而其他都是宏观上的并行,微观上的串行。但其都会引发对临界共享区的竞争问题。而解决竞态问题的途径是保证对共享资源的互斥访问,即一个执行单元在访问共享资源的时候,其他的执行单元被禁止访问。那么linux内核中如何做到对对共享资源的互斥访问呢?在linux驱动编程中,常用的解决并发与竟态的手段有信号量与互斥锁