
cfmail group attribute throws error

痞子三分冷 提交于 2021-02-05 09:38:19
问题 I have a query which returns multiple results with just data in one column as different for a particular report number. I want to group the results for one report number and send an email to one person for all the action items. Below is my query <cfquery name="qryCorrectiveDueDate" datasource="#application.config.DSN#"> SELECT FR.report_id, FR.report_number, IR.investigation_id, CA.action_who, CA.action_who_email, CA.action_what, CA.action_when, CA.action_type, CA.action_complete_date FROM


邮差的信 提交于 2021-01-30 13:51:58
FusionCharts Suite XT是全面的跨平台、跨浏览器JavaScript图表套包,其中包括FusionCharts XT、PowerCharts XT 、FusionWidgets XT、FusionMaps XT。支持 ASP、 ASP.NET、 PHP、 JSP、 ColdFusion、 Ruby on Rails、 JavaScript、甚至简单的HTML页面。它是你值得信赖的JavaScript图表解决方案,目前在全球有45万用户选择Fusioncharts来制作专业的JavaScript图表。 下载FusionCharts最新版【慧都网】 创建缩放折线图 例如,我们将创建一个缩放折线图,以绘制去年每一天对harrysfoodmart.com和harrysfashion.com网站的唯一网站访问次数。 要创建缩放折线图,请执行以下步骤: 在JSON数据中,以"<attributeName>": "<value>"格式设置属性及其对应的值。 使用type属性指定图表类型。要渲染缩放折线图,请设置zoomline。 使用renderAt属性设置容器对象。 使用width和height属性指定图表的尺寸。 使用dataFormat属性设置要传递给图表对象的数据类型(JSON / XML)。 将compactDataMode属性设置为,1以指定JSON数据为紧凑格式。

Creating report getting failed in ColdFusion 2018

百般思念 提交于 2021-01-29 08:12:38
问题 I have tried the below code for creating report in ColdFusion, but it gives failure like in the screenshot, <cfchart format="png" name="chartImage"> <cfchartseries type="bar" query="chart" itemcolumn="title" valuecolumn="level"> </cfchart> <cfset chartImageFile = getTempDirectory() & '\' & createUUID()> <cfset fileWrite(chartImageFile, chartImage)> <cfreport format="pdf" template="report.cfr" name="grid"> <cfreportparam name="reportTitle" value="#reportType.title#"> <cfreportparam name=

Get Total CPU # via WMI or T-SQL

旧街凉风 提交于 2021-01-29 05:00:28
问题 I don't want the list of all process, just a total percentage like you would see in windows taskmanager. I will be using this information via coldfusion, but i am having all kinds of problems just trying to find a total number of current cpu usage. I don't care if it comes from wmi or t-sql, i just want a total number for which i will be using to populate a gauge chart that via ajax will be showing my current cpu usage percentage... Thank You... 回答1: You can use the Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS

CFPDF add watermark any level of transparency is coming out opaque

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2021-01-29 02:10:21
问题 When I watermark a pdf onto another pdf any semi-transparency in the watermark PDF is made completely opaque. Is there anything I can do about this or is this a limitation of CFPDF? Server is CF9 with latest hotfixes. Fun bit, when chrome renders the final product the transparency is preserved, but when Acrobat Pro renders it it's opaque. I can print the final product to AdobePDF and it's accurately transparent, but I don't get a consistent page size to send through our print shop which is a

Application.cfc setting DSN and calling that DSN

痞子三分冷 提交于 2021-01-28 22:52:24
问题 I have been shown how to do this with Application.cfc instead of using the Application.cfm - that is fine, I like learning new stuff. Yet after I made the change I cannot figure out how to get the DSN working properly. Before I just used a set DSN in the Application.cfm file. <cfparam name="DSN" default=""> <cfset DSN = "krl" /> And called it out here: <CFQUERY NAME="Inital" DATASOURCE="#DSN#"> SELECT Website_Name FROM InitalizationData </CFQUERY> Now setting it like: component { =

CFDocument PDF not showing Japanese data

折月煮酒 提交于 2021-01-28 21:06:09
问题 I have created a pdf with Japanese content using CFDocument. But It does not showing the Japanese data. I have used pageEncoding as utf-8. It showing only blank space instead of Japanese data. I have used the following code, <cfcontent type="application/pdf"> <cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="attachment;filename=test.pdf"> <cfprocessingdirective pageencoding="utf-8"> <cfdocument format="PDF" localurl="yes" marginTop=".25" marginLeft=".25" marginRight=".25" marginBottom=".25"

ColdFusion doing OWASP esapi via Java

假装没事ソ 提交于 2021-01-28 02:26:57
问题 I am have some old ColdFusion code. It was originally written for CF9, but is now running on CF 2016. application.cfc local.esapi = createObject("java", "org.owasp.esapi.ESAPI"); application.esapiEncoder = local.esapi.encoder() Much later Regular page form.Reason = application.esapiEncoder.encodeForHtml(form.Reason); I am thinking of replacing this with form.Reason = encodeForHTML(form.Reason); Do these function the same? 回答1: Yes, the encodeForX() functions use OWASP's ESAPI behind the

ColdFusion doing OWASP esapi via Java

南笙酒味 提交于 2021-01-27 22:40:56
问题 I am have some old ColdFusion code. It was originally written for CF9, but is now running on CF 2016. application.cfc local.esapi = createObject("java", "org.owasp.esapi.ESAPI"); application.esapiEncoder = local.esapi.encoder() Much later Regular page form.Reason = application.esapiEncoder.encodeForHtml(form.Reason); I am thinking of replacing this with form.Reason = encodeForHTML(form.Reason); Do these function the same? 回答1: Yes, the encodeForX() functions use OWASP's ESAPI behind the

Why is my JSON invalid even though it looks correct?

a 夏天 提交于 2021-01-27 16:15:20
问题 I've been working on this for quite a while, and I just don't understand why my JSON is invalid... JSONLint is showing this error Error: Parse error on line 107: ...pair?", "answer": "Yes, as long as the ----------------------^ Expecting 'STRING', 'NUMBER', 'NULL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE', '{', '[', got 'undefined' This is the fragment of the JSON { "tags": "already transferred", "question": "Can we transfer customers who have already been transferred previously? what is the dispo? warm transfer or