
Is it possible to copy a div from a website to another?

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2021-02-19 07:44:11
问题 is it possible to copy a div from a site to another? Managing many websites I need to copy some static portions of code (e.g. a common footer) without having to go on every website and change it. I was looking to use jQuery, I know about the .clone() but I don't know how to make it work from a site to another 回答1: I was surfing around looking for an answer and found this code. If you can't use an Iframe. As an alternative, you could just use a simple and use the jQuery "load" function to load

How to correctly clone a string from a struct in a C library into a new memory address?

三世轮回 提交于 2021-02-19 06:48:05
问题 I'm trying to make a clone of my C++ object, which is a wrapper around a C 'class'. I want to API to look like this: LibrdfUri uri(""); LibrdfUri uri_clone = uri.clone(); // same value but points to different memory address Here is my clone function ... librdf_uri *LibrdfUri::get() const { // librdf_uri is the C type that I am wrapping return librdf_uri_.get(); // librdf_uri_ is a unique pointer. .get returns the raw pointer } LibrdfUri LibrdfUri::clone() const { unsigned char *

Object.Equals return false

本秂侑毒 提交于 2021-02-17 06:12:12
问题 Object.Equals always return false, Why not equal? Student student = new Student(3, "Jack Poly"); Student otherStudent = (Student)student.Clone(); if (Object.Equals(student, otherStudent)) { Console.WriteLine("Equal"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Not Equal"); } Clone method like below public override StudentPrototype Clone() { return this.MemberwiseClone() as StudentPrototype; } 回答1: Look at this article MSDN If the current instance is a reference type, the Equals(Object) method tests for

How to clone a collection from one MongoDB to another on same server

懵懂的女人 提交于 2021-02-05 08:01:45
问题 I'm using Mongo 3.2. I have two databases on my localhost named client1 and client2 . Now client1 contains a collection named users . I want to clone this collection to client2 . I have tried:- use client2 db.cloneCollection('localhost:27017', 'client1.users', { 'active' : true } ) This outputs { "ok" : 0.0, "errmsg" : "can't cloneCollection from self" } Is cloning a collection from one db to another on the same server prohibited? 回答1: Few things : In general cloneCollection is used for

Clone() in java

风格不统一 提交于 2021-02-04 05:41:48
问题 import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; public class Test{ public static void main(String[] argv){ String s1="abc"; String s2=(String) s1.clone(); } } Why this simple test program doesn't work? 回答1: clone is a method of the Object class. For a class to be "cloneable" it should implement the marker Cloneable interface. String class doesn't implement this interface and doesn't override the clone method hence the error. I hope the above snippet is for educational purposes because you should

Functions and variable space with threading using clone

跟風遠走 提交于 2021-01-29 08:14:40
问题 I currently intend to implement threading using clone() and a question is, if I have all threads using the same memory space, with each function I call in a given thread, will each thread using a different part of memory when the same function is called, or do I do have todo something to ensure this happens? 回答1: Each thread will be using the same memory map overall but a different, separate thread-local stack for function calls. When different threads have called the same function (which

How to fork a Linux process in a Stopped state?

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2021-01-28 14:41:37
问题 I am starting a new task using a clone(2) call. There used to be CLONE_STOPPED flag, but it is no longer present in current kernel. Is there any trick to start a task in a Stopped state (waiting for SIGCONT to actually run)? 回答1: You can't, there's no way to do that in recent kernels, not unless you write a kernel module to do that. You can see how kernel v2.6.32 used to do it in kernel/fork.c (L1449): if (unlikely(clone_flags & CLONE_STOPPED)) { /* * We'll start up with an immediate SIGSTOP.

Clone Kubernetes objects programmatically using the Python API

余生颓废 提交于 2021-01-28 05:44:36
问题 The Python API is available to read objects from a cluster. By cloning we can say: Get a copy of an existing Kubernetes object using kubectl get Change the properties of the object Apply the new object Until recently, the option to --export api was deprecated in 1.14. How can we use the Python Kubernetes API to do the steps from 1-3 described above? There are multiple questions about how to extract the code from Python API to YAML, but it's unclear how to transform the Kubernetes API object.

Git clone from local repo with LFS

元气小坏坏 提交于 2021-01-28 01:48:45
问题 I have a local git repo, with LFS enabled. I often need to clone it somewhere else on the same drive. While copy-pasting the repo would do exactly what I want, I face some issue doing this with git itself : cd C:\wrkfldr\SUBDIR git clone "C:\wrkfldr\LOCAL_REPO\.git" Returns Cloning into 'LOCAL_REPO'... done. Downloading BIG_LFS_FILE.xlsm (6.4 MB) Error downloading object: BIG_LFS_FILE.xlsm (01d6d9b): Smudge error: Error downloading BIG_LFS_FILE.xlsm

Clone a div that contains “customized” jQueryUI datePicker

邮差的信 提交于 2021-01-27 10:47:55
问题 I have a div that contains 3 fields You can see the image here I'm cloning this div with this plugin My problems are: It doesn't clone correctly datePicker. I'm using validate form plugin, but I guess this plugin is not prepared to validate cloned elements Is there any easy code, other plugin or some functions I should use for doing this sequence? Verify user has filled the 3 fields of the actual div If so, clone