How to clone a collection from one MongoDB to another on same server

懵懂的女人 提交于 2021-02-05 08:01:45


I'm using Mongo 3.2. I have two databases on my localhost named client1 and client2. Now client1 contains a collection named users. I want to clone this collection to client2.

I have tried:-

use client2

db.cloneCollection('localhost:27017', 'client1.users', { 'active' : true } )

This outputs

{ "ok" : 0.0, "errmsg" : "can't cloneCollection from self" }

Is cloning a collection from one db to another on the same server prohibited?


Few things :

  1. In general cloneCollection is used for different mongo instances but not to copy on same instances.
  2. Also if you're using v4.2 you should stop using copyDB & cloneCollection cause they're deprecated compatibility-with-v4.2 & start using mongodump and mongorestore or mongoexport & mongoimport.
  3. I would suggest to use mongodump & mongorestore :

    1. Cause mongodump would preserve MongoDB's data types i.e.; bson types.
    2. mongodump creates a binary where as mongoexport would convert bson to json & again mongoimport will convert json to bson while writing, which is why they're slow. You can use mongoexport & mongoimport when you wanted to analyze your collections data visually or use json data for any other purpose.
  4. You can run below script in shell

    declare - a collections = ("collectionName1" "collectionName2")
    for i in "${collections[@]}"
    echo "$i"
        mongodump --host "All-shards" --username=uname --password password --ssl --authenticationDatabase admin --db dbname --collection "$i"
        mongorestore --host=host-shard-name --port=27017 --username=uname --password=psswrd --ssl --authenticationDatabase=admin --db=dbname --collection= "$i" ./dump/dbName/"$i".bson;

To use mongodump, you must run mongodump against a running mongod or mongos instance. So these commands are being run expecting mongo is properly installed & path setup is good, if not you can navigate to mongo folder & run like ./mongodump & ./mongorestore. Above script will be useful if you wanted to backup multiple collections, You need specify few things in script like :

  1. mongodump--host "All-shards" -> Here you need to specify all shards if your MongoDB is a replica set, if not you can specify localhost:27017.

  2. mongorestore --host=host-shard-name -> You've to specify one shard of replica set, else your localhost, Few things here can be optional --ssl, --username, --password.

  3. So mongodump will create a folder named dump for first time which will have the sub-folders with dbNames & each sub-folder will has bson files respective to their collection names dumped, So you need to refer dbName in restore command & collection name will be taken from variable i -> ./dump/dbName/"$i".bson

Note : MongoDB v3.2 is so old & in cloud based MongoDB service Mongo-atlas it has already reached it's end of lifecycle, So please upgrade asap. If you're looking for a free mongo instance or starting with MongoDB - you can try atlas.


db.cloneCollection() copies data directly between MongoDB instances.

That means you cannot clone inside the same mongod instance. Use mongoexport and mongoimport to clone your collection.

Since 4.2 MongoDb introduces $merge operator which allows copy from db1.collection to db2.collection.

