
WooCommerce: Pre-select and restrict to one state and city on checkout

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2020-06-10 04:09:49
问题 I'm setting up a store that only sells to one city. I'm trying to figure out how I can restrict the city option to a pre-filled field. I've already limited the country and using the following code in my functions.php : add_filter( 'default_checkout_country', 'change_default_checkout_country' ); add_filter( 'default_checkout_state', 'change_default_checkout_state' ); function change_default_checkout_country() { return 'PK'; // country code } function change_default_checkout_state() { return

WooCommerce: Pre-select and restrict to one state and city on checkout

落花浮王杯 提交于 2020-06-10 04:09:11
问题 I'm setting up a store that only sells to one city. I'm trying to figure out how I can restrict the city option to a pre-filled field. I've already limited the country and using the following code in my functions.php : add_filter( 'default_checkout_country', 'change_default_checkout_country' ); add_filter( 'default_checkout_state', 'change_default_checkout_state' ); function change_default_checkout_country() { return 'PK'; // country code } function change_default_checkout_state() { return

Django - Country -> State-> City Dropdown list

筅森魡賤 提交于 2020-01-12 11:05:42
问题 I have been trying to create a 3 column drop-down list as Country, State, City. The list of state will be shown based on which country is selected. and the same thing happens to city depends on which State is selected. My database is as follow. If a country is selected, then states will show depending on country. Same thing happens to City A member will select his country,state, and city from an already existed Country, State, City databases from django.db import models class Member(models

Django - Country -> State-> City Dropdown list

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2020-01-12 11:05:41
问题 I have been trying to create a 3 column drop-down list as Country, State, City. The list of state will be shown based on which country is selected. and the same thing happens to city depends on which State is selected. My database is as follow. If a country is selected, then states will show depending on country. Same thing happens to City A member will select his country,state, and city from an already existed Country, State, City databases from django.db import models class Member(models

Django - Country -> State-> City Dropdown list

我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-01-12 11:03:40
问题 I have been trying to create a 3 column drop-down list as Country, State, City. The list of state will be shown based on which country is selected. and the same thing happens to city depends on which State is selected. My database is as follow. If a country is selected, then states will show depending on country. Same thing happens to City A member will select his country,state, and city from an already existed Country, State, City databases from django.db import models class Member(models

How do I convert city names to time zones?

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2020-01-05 07:07:08
问题 Sorry if this is repetitive, but I've looked everywhere and can't seem to find anything that addresses my specific problem in R. I have a column with city names: cities <-data.frame(c("Sydney", "Dusseldorf", "LidCombe", "Portland")) colnames(cities)[1]<-"CityName" Ideally I'd like to attach a column with either the lat/long for each city or the time zone. I have tried using the "ggmap" package in R, but my request exceeds the maximum number of requests they allow per day. I found the

Eliminate duplicate cities from database

三世轮回 提交于 2020-01-05 04:17:15
问题 Background Over 5300 duplicate rows: "id","latitude","longitude","country","region","city" "2143220","41.3513889","68.9444444","KZ","10","Abay" "2143218","40.8991667","68.5433333","KZ","10","Abay" "1919381","33.8166667","49.6333333","IR","34","Ab Barik" "1919377","35.6833333","50.1833333","IR","19","Ab Barik" "1919432","29.55","55.5122222","IR","29","`Abbasabad" "1919430","27.4263889","57.5725","IR","29","`Abbasabad" "1919413","28.0011111","58.9005556","IR","12","`Abbasabad" "1919435","36

Where can I find a city/neighborhood database?

孤人 提交于 2019-12-31 17:50:30
问题 Where can I find a database of cities and neighborhoods using MySQL? I'm only interested in US areas. Price doesn't matter. The database must help identify locations by ZIP code. I've already got a database showing cities and states, but I need to find surrounding neighborhoods as well. I saw good example on 回答1: The Zillow Neighborhood data has a CC-sharealike license and it is pretty comprehensive. It is widely used in the Geospatial world nowadays. Cheers 回答2: For a

Get city name and postal code from Google Place API on Android

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-30 05:53:09
问题 I'm using Google Place API for Android with autocomplete Everything works fine, but when I get the result as shown here, I don't have the city and postal code information. private ResultCallback<PlaceBuffer> mUpdatePlaceDetailsCallback = new ResultCallback<PlaceBuffer>() { @Override public void onResult(PlaceBuffer places) { if (!places.getStatus().isSuccess()) { // Request did not complete successfully Log.e(TAG, "Place query did not complete. Error: " + places.getStatus().toString());

How to normalize city name from many similar names

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-24 09:41:10
问题 I'm getting city name from a 3rd party API. That API doesn't return normalized city name. For example, sometimes its San Francisco , sometime its San Francisco, CA , sometimes its San Francisco, USA . I dont need street address etc.. I just need to normalize the city name to be something uniform. I'm looking for a service that could help me with this requirement. P.S: Its not mobile app, its web app and the location doesn't come from the browser. 回答1: You can use the Google Maps API to get