

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-02-13 06:40:39
chm文件是Windows操作系统非常方便的电子帮助文档及电子书籍文档。制作CHM文档的工具也有数种,较为流行的有EasyChm等。 这里对CHM制作进行一次详解,使开发人员能够开发出自己的CHM编译工具。当看完这篇教程之后,您会觉得制作一个类似EasyChm的工具非常简单,而像EasyChm这样的工具其实无需注册码激活,因为它根本没有涉及chm编码解码的工作,它只是使用了微软提供了编码解码工具而已,只不过它提供了便利的途径。 一.CHM编译工具:hhc.exe hha.dll 命令:hhc $path/which.hhp 使用这样简单的命令,就可以轻松地生成一个CHM文档,我们要了解的就是which.hhp是一个怎样的文件,后面会有介绍。 二.CHM反编译工具:hh.exe 命令:hh $target_folder source_chm.chm 命令仍是如此简单,$target_folder即是将chm抽取出的html文件放到的目标文件夹,source_chm.chm就是要被反编译的CHM文档。 三.HHP (P=Project)解析。 ; which.hhp [OPTIONS] Compatibility=1.1 or later-------------------------兼容版本 Compiled file=..\..\..\linqc.chm-------------


佐手、 提交于 2020-02-05 08:57:12
JDK1.6官方下载_JDK6官方下载地址: JDK6 API CHM中文参考下载: JDK6API中文参考070114.rar :中文参考070114.rar Java SE 6 API 中文版 CHM 下载: Java SE 5 API 中文版 CHM 下载: JDK6 API 中文版下载: JDK6 API 中文版 HTML 格式在线文档:


十年热恋 提交于 2020-02-05 08:56:35
JDK1.6官方下载_JDK6官方下载地址: JDK6 API CHM中文参考下载: JDK6API中文参考070114.rar :中文参考070114.rar Java SE 6 API 中文版 CHM 下载: Java SE 5 API 中文版 CHM 下载: JDK6 API 中文版下载: JDK6 API 中文版 HTML 格式在线文档:

Android中文合集 最终版

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2020-01-25 17:33:08
前言 本合集包含 Android 141 章节 的API 和12 篇开发者指南,包含以往历次发布的合集内容。 Android 中文翻译组是一个非盈利性质的开源组织,聚一批开发 人员、大学生、研究生等 Android 爱好者,利用业余时间对 Android 相关的 API 及开发者指南等进行翻译 ,至今已超过 200 人报名参与,欢迎加入,联系 Mail : , 关于翻译组的更多介绍,请看 这里 。 声明   欢迎转载,但请保留文章原始出处:)     博客园:     Android中文翻译组: 正文   一、截图      二、介绍     本次合集采用客户端为载体,模拟chm界面风格整理并发布。主要特点为可自动更新内容,因此本客户端可合集的终极版本,以后不再发布chm格式的合集,下面是关于客户端的一些介绍:     2.1  特点介绍       2.1.1  自动更新内容         软件启动时,客户端会检测是否联网,在联网的情况下再检测是否有新的内容可更新,有的话就直接下载到本地缓存。       2.1.2  与chm格式比较         同样具备chm的离线使用能力。不必像以往一样需要等一个月才能有新的合集

Recompile CHM file

自作多情 提交于 2020-01-24 16:15:47
问题 I'm working on a script that should be able to add additional information to a .chm file. After decompiling it with hh.exe -decompile outputFolder fileName.chm command, I get the html files, and other 2 files with .hhc and .hhk extension. After editing the html files, I'd like to recompile the files into a single .chm file. I read that that I also need a .hhp file in order to do that, but that's not generated in the decompilation process. How can I solve this? 回答1: This is a problem of

Recompile CHM file

限于喜欢 提交于 2020-01-24 16:15:11
问题 I'm working on a script that should be able to add additional information to a .chm file. After decompiling it with hh.exe -decompile outputFolder fileName.chm command, I get the html files, and other 2 files with .hhc and .hhk extension. After editing the html files, I'd like to recompile the files into a single .chm file. I read that that I also need a .hhp file in order to do that, but that's not generated in the decompilation process. How can I solve this? 回答1: This is a problem of

Integrating “Help” into WinForms Application

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2020-01-20 17:29:18
问题 I am working on a Visual Studio we need to integrate help menus into it. I would like to do this in the canonical Windows fashion but am not very experienced with the .NET framework in these respects. Searching Google and SO hasn't yielded much because most of the results are people asking for help, not help with "help." Meta-help, if you will. From the research that I've done, .chm files seem to be the way to go. How are these files generated? Is there an integrated tool in VS? Once I have

to get CHM details from help ID

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2020-01-17 06:10:13
问题 I have Help string id and some CHM files Through the help string, I want to find details like CHM file name, the page linked to that help id, description, title etc of that page. I have all the code to perform string search on multiple CHM files,if you have file name and search criteria. but my concern is ,only if help id is available, so how can i find topic name ,chm name etc. Is that possible to find details of chm files through help id ? 回答1: You may know a CHM is something like a zipped

How to open a file in Eclipse in an embedded fashion?

大憨熊 提交于 2020-01-16 08:27:40
问题 I would like to open a .chm file in Eclipse. But it does not support these files. If I wanted a workaround, how should I go about it? I have looked into writing plug-ins to do so. The only way I would be able to view .chm as an Eclipse Help Plug-in would be to convert .chm to DITA and then DITA to Eclipse help files. But there's no clear cut way to do this. There isn't much help online either. Any suggestions? I need an automate-able way to do this. I will have a .chm file (for documentation

SVG Graphics in CHM (Html Help Workshop)

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2020-01-11 10:18:26
问题 Im trying to use SVG-Graphics in a CHM-File. The CHM is created by HTML Help Worshop. Unfortunately the svg files dont show in my compiled chm... (Everything works fine in Html) I already added my SVG to the Files section of my hhp. But still nothing. Has anyone succeeded in using SVG Files in CHM created with Html Help Workshop? Any Help is really appreciated! Regards Christian (This topic is only related to SVG. Bitmaps work just fine...) 回答1: HTML Help Viewer renders topics in the IE 7