
Bringing iOS Frameworks through Carthage in Xcode 12.0

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2021-02-18 20:56:38
问题 I am using Xcode 12.0 and Carthage 0.35.0 and when I do Carthage bootstrap --platform iOS or Carthage update --platform iOS --no-use-binaries on a framework that I have developed I get this error. I did not have this problem in Xcode 11.7. *** Building scheme "MyFrameworkKit" in MyFrameworkKit.xcodeproj Build Failed Task failed with exit code 1: /usr/bin/xcrun lipo -create /Users/myname/Library/Caches/org.carthage.CarthageKit/DerivedData/12.0_12A7209/MyFrameworkKit

Bringing iOS Frameworks through Carthage in Xcode 12.0

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2021-02-18 20:56:22
问题 I am using Xcode 12.0 and Carthage 0.35.0 and when I do Carthage bootstrap --platform iOS or Carthage update --platform iOS --no-use-binaries on a framework that I have developed I get this error. I did not have this problem in Xcode 11.7. *** Building scheme "MyFrameworkKit" in MyFrameworkKit.xcodeproj Build Failed Task failed with exit code 1: /usr/bin/xcrun lipo -create /Users/myname/Library/Caches/org.carthage.CarthageKit/DerivedData/12.0_12A7209/MyFrameworkKit


大城市里の小女人 提交于 2021-02-14 09:14:45
[本文出自天外归云的博客园] 原理 对于iOS自动化操作,主要靠WebDriverAgent来完成。在Mac电脑上连接真机iPhone,运行WebDriverAgentRunner会在Mac端启动WDA服务器,并在手机iPhone端安装一个WebDriverAgentRunner应用。我们通过编写脚本来与WDA服务器通信,告诉WDA服务器我们想要如何操作iPhone手机,WDA服务器与安装在手机iPhone端的WebDriverAgentRunner应用通信并通过该app发送模拟指令来实现操作iPhone手机 安装过程 1. 安装WebDriverAgent: 2. 及其依赖的库Carthage: 3. 需要npm的支持 启动与停止WDA服务器 方式1 :命令行启动模拟器 xcodebuild -project WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6' test 方式2:在真机上运行参考这篇文章进行配置: ATX 文档 - iOS 真机如何安装

XCTest: running tests fails with Cycle inside X; building could produce unreliable results in project with CocoaPods and Carthage

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-12-13 03:39:56
问题 After upgrading my project to Xcode 12, the test suite stopped working. The tests target doesn't compile, fails with: Cycle inside <redacted>Tests; building could produce unreliable results. This usually can be resolved by moving the shell script phase '[CP] Embed Pods Frameworks' so that it runs before the build phase that depends on its outputs. Cycle details: → Target '<redacted>Tests' has copy command from '/Applications/

XCTest: running tests fails with Cycle inside X; building could produce unreliable results in project with CocoaPods and Carthage

空扰寡人 提交于 2020-12-13 03:39:55
问题 After upgrading my project to Xcode 12, the test suite stopped working. The tests target doesn't compile, fails with: Cycle inside <redacted>Tests; building could produce unreliable results. This usually can be resolved by moving the shell script phase '[CP] Embed Pods Frameworks' so that it runs before the build phase that depends on its outputs. Cycle details: → Target '<redacted>Tests' has copy command from '/Applications/


南楼画角 提交于 2020-10-19 03:17:20
git地址: 第一步 安装 可以洋气点 命令行 brew install carthage 也可以土鳖点 去这里找客户端 第二步 新建文件到工程 在 .xcodeproj 或者 .xcworkspac 下 新建名称为【Cartfile 】的文件 第三步 编辑文件 添加需要的依赖 不同于pod 直接写一行就够了。版本号可以忽略 github "Alamofire/Alamofire" ~> 4.7.2 github "kukushi/SideMenu" "master" 第一个在下面的运行中删除掉了,。借鉴的官方案例 实际我只安装了 kukushi/SideMen 第四步 安装 进入 【Cartfule】对应的目录 执行命令行 carthage update 安装完成以后会在 工程目录多了以下文件 Cartfile.resolved (需要提交到 Git) 在执行 carthage update 命令后会在根目录创建一个 Cartfile.resolved 文件,这个文件是生成后的依赖关系,不能修改。 Cartfile.resolved 文件确保提交的项目可以使用完全相同的配置与方式运行启用。