
Silverlight BusyIndicator Background Colour

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-11 18:30:03
问题 Is there a simple way of changing the background colour of the default busy indicator from the default grey to white gradient to another colour? Example image of the default busy indicator can be found here Thanks 回答1: Well, its simple. to use the toolkit you must declare it namespace in your xaml class(i think you've done that ok ?) Like this : xmlns:toolkit="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation/toolkit" After this you must declare your toolkit : <toolkit:BusyIndicator

Best way to have 'busy waiting' animation be 'position configurable' in jquery? (i.e., show it where the action is)

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-11 15:14:03
问题 I intend to have a busy waiting spinner as per shown in this post: How to show loading spinner in jQuery? - since it's the cleanest and easiest to implement: $('#loadingDiv') .hide() // hide it initially .ajaxStart(function() { $(this).show(); }) .ajaxStop(function() { $(this).hide(); }) ; and couple it up with the animations from http://www.ajaxload.info/ I have multiple "views" in my page i.e., different parts of my page can be updated/modified with the corresponding ajax calls. I'd like to

Silverlight BusyIndicator background color for the message box

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-11 11:21:54
问题 In Silverlight, I need the message box of a BusyIndicator to be transparent. I found a question asking the same but without any solution: Silverlight BusyIndicator Background Colour Part of the code I have is as follows: <toolkit:BusyIndicator x:Name="WorkingLayout" Height="80"> <toolkit:BusyIndicator.BusyContent> <StackPanel> <TextBlock Text="Wait please..." HorizontalAlignment="Center"></TextBlock> <Button x:Name="CancelButton" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Content="Cancel" Width="100" Click

Display busyindicator in wpf application

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-12-11 07:43:00
问题 I have a BusyIndicator from the wpf extended toolkit and I'm running a function that takes a while to complete. If I run the time consuming task in a separate thread, I get a NotSupportedException because I'm attemping to insert objects into an ObservableCollection from that different thread. I don't really want to spend a lot of time refactoring the code, if possible... Is there a way that I can set the visibility of the indicator in a separate thread instead? EDIT ThreadStart start =

BusyIndicator allows to fire RelayCommand twice

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-11 05:55:47
问题 I have a WPF application, which follows MVVM. To make UI responsive, I'm using TPL for executing long-running commands and BusyIndicator to display to user, that application is busy now. In one of the view models I have this command: public ICommand RefreshOrdersCommand { get; private set; } public OrdersEditorVM() { this.Orders = new ObservableCollection<OrderVM>(); this.RefreshOrdersCommand = new RelayCommand(HandleRefreshOrders); HandleRefreshOrders(); } private void HandleRefreshOrders()

Busy indicator not showing up in wpf window [duplicate]

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-10 22:19:54
问题 This question already has answers here : Closed 7 years ago . Possible Duplicate: wpf busyindicator not showing up I am tryihng to use busy indicator in a window like this: <extToolkit:BusyIndicator Width="160" Height="100" x:Name="busyIndicator" Visibility="Hidden" /> I am trying to call this when the user chooses some files to import and then im doing some parsing on those files. And setting these two properties: importProgressBar.busyIndicator.IsBusy = true; importProgressBar.busyIndicator

How do I continue after multiple Tasks without blocking the UI thread?

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-10 15:31:04
问题 In my MVVM application my view model calls 3 different service methods, converts the data from each into a common format and then updates the UI using property notification/observable collections etc. Each method in the service layer starts a new Task and returns the Task to the view model. Here's an example of one of my service methods. public class ResourceService { internal static Task LoadResources(Action<IEnumerable<Resource>> completedCallback, Action<Exception> errorCallback) { var t =

Is it possible to show SilverLight busy indicator inside Winforms application?

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-10 11:55:28
问题 Currently i am using a simple PictureBox with GIF file inside and wonder if this is possible and if it does what the differences between this 2 options This is what i have at this moment using PictureBox : pictureBox1.BringToFront(); pictureBox1.Dock = DockStyle.None; pictureBox1.Visible = true; 回答1: You can try hosting SilverLight inside Winforms. While SilverLight is intended to be used in a web browser, WPF is more native to desktop, and WPF does have a simimar BusyIndicator, it is

Silverlight BusyIndicator : Higher Z-Index than all ChildWindows

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-09 02:18:29
Perhaps the title is worded incorrectly. I have a "global" Busy Indicator that works great, as long as I don't try to use it when a ChildWindow is open. I access the "global" Busy Indicator by using a static method in my App.xaml.cs: BusyIndicator b = (BusyIndicator)App.Current.RootVisual; if (b != null) { b.BusyContent = busyText; b.IsBusy = true; } However, if a ChildWindow is open, the BusyIndicator is always behind it. I thought that I could set b.Content = VisualTreeHelper.GetOpenPopups().First() , but that didn't work either. Does anyone have any tips on having a BusyIndicator on top of

Silverlight BusyIndicator : Higher Z-Index than all ChildWindows

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-08 05:19:10
问题 Perhaps the title is worded incorrectly. I have a "global" Busy Indicator that works great, as long as I don't try to use it when a ChildWindow is open. I access the "global" Busy Indicator by using a static method in my App.xaml.cs: BusyIndicator b = (BusyIndicator)App.Current.RootVisual; if (b != null) { b.BusyContent = busyText; b.IsBusy = true; } However, if a ChildWindow is open, the BusyIndicator is always behind it. I thought that I could set b.Content = VisualTreeHelper.GetOpenPopups(