
Broadcast Receiver not displaying Toast via OnReceive method in Xamarin Android

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2020-12-15 05:35:43
问题 Am trying to implement a Broadcast receiver class in my project, I have a receiver that extends class BroadcastReceiver and I intend to check if the Broadcast was received via a button click, The OnReceive method has a Toast code inside that should display the nessage Intent Detected if the broadcast was succesfully sent. My code looks like this... class FlashActivity : AppCompatActivity { protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { //Button definition Button button1 = this

Broadcasting a function to a 3D array Python

孤街醉人 提交于 2020-07-21 07:45:02
问题 I tried understanding numpy broadcasting with 3d arrays but I think the OP there is asking something slightly different. I have a 3D numpy array like so - IQ = np.array([ [[1,2], [3,4]], [[5,6], [7,8]] ], dtype = 'float64') The shape of this array is (2,2,2). I want to apply a function to each 1x2 array in this 3D matrix like so - def func(IQ): I = IQ[0] Q = IQ[1] amp = np.power((np.power(I,2) + np.power(Q, 2)),1/2) phase = math.atan(Q/I) return [amp, phase] As you can see, I want to apply my

Broadcasting a function to a 3D array Python

旧时模样 提交于 2020-07-21 07:43:30
问题 I tried understanding numpy broadcasting with 3d arrays but I think the OP there is asking something slightly different. I have a 3D numpy array like so - IQ = np.array([ [[1,2], [3,4]], [[5,6], [7,8]] ], dtype = 'float64') The shape of this array is (2,2,2). I want to apply a function to each 1x2 array in this 3D matrix like so - def func(IQ): I = IQ[0] Q = IQ[1] amp = np.power((np.power(I,2) + np.power(Q, 2)),1/2) phase = math.atan(Q/I) return [amp, phase] As you can see, I want to apply my

Broadcasting a function to a 3D array Python

不羁岁月 提交于 2020-07-21 07:42:08
问题 I tried understanding numpy broadcasting with 3d arrays but I think the OP there is asking something slightly different. I have a 3D numpy array like so - IQ = np.array([ [[1,2], [3,4]], [[5,6], [7,8]] ], dtype = 'float64') The shape of this array is (2,2,2). I want to apply a function to each 1x2 array in this 3D matrix like so - def func(IQ): I = IQ[0] Q = IQ[1] amp = np.power((np.power(I,2) + np.power(Q, 2)),1/2) phase = math.atan(Q/I) return [amp, phase] As you can see, I want to apply my

Laravel Broadcast Channels - check connections

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2020-06-27 09:53:23
问题 I can't find this in the docs or by searching, maybe someone has some tips. I'm trying to check how many connections are on a presence channel on the backend. I can check fine on the front-end with Echo like so: Echo.join('chat') .here((users) => { // users.length is the proper count of connections }) But is there a way I can get that same number of connections, but in the backend code somewhere within Laravel? 回答1: If you are using Pusher, the backend can just do the following: $response =

Python pandas : Merge two tables without keys (Multiply 2 dataframes with broadcasting all elements; NxN dataframe)

三世轮回 提交于 2020-06-24 22:11:52
问题 I want to merge 2 dataframes with broadcast relationship: No common index, just want to find all pairs of the rows in the 2 dataframes. So want to make N row dataframe x M row dataframe = N*M row dataframe. Is there any rule to make this happen without using itertool? DF1= id quantity 0 1 20 1 2 23 DF2= name part 0 'A' 3 1 'B' 4 2 'C' 5 DF_merged= id quantity name part 0 1 20 'A' 3 1 1 20 'B' 4 2 1 20 'C' 5 3 2 23 'A' 3 4 2 23 'B' 4 5 2 23 'C' 5 回答1: You can use helper columns tmp filled 1 in


…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2020-04-11 12:12:24
品茗论道说广播(Broadcast内部机制讲解) 侯 亮 1 概述 我们在编写Android程序时,常常会用到广播(Broadcast)机制。从易用性的角度来说,使用广播是非常简单的。不过,这个不是本文关心的重点,我们希望探索得再深入一点儿。我想,许多人也不想仅仅停留在使用广播的阶段,而是希望了解一些广播机制的内部机理。如果是这样的话,请容我斟一杯红茶,慢慢道来。 简单地说,Android广播机制的主要工作是为了实现一处发生事情,多处得到通知的效果。这种通知工作常常要牵涉跨进程通讯,所以需要由AMS(Activity Manager Service)集中管理。 在Android系统中,接收广播的组件叫作receiver,而且receiver还分为动态和静态的。动态receiver是在运行期通过调用registerReceiver()注册的,而静态receiver则是在AndroidManifest.xml中声明的。动态receiver比较简单,静态的就麻烦一些了,因为在广播递送之时,静态receiver所从属的进程可能还没有启动呢,这就需要先启动新的进程,费时费力。另一方面,有些时候用户希望广播能够按照一定顺序递送,为此,Android又搞出了ordered broadcast的概念。 细节如此繁杂,非一言可以说清。我们先从receiver这一侧入手吧。 2 两种receiver

Which one will perform better, broadcast variable or broadcast join?

懵懂的女人 提交于 2020-04-03 10:44:52
问题 I am using Spark 2.4.1 with Java 8 in my project. I have a scenario where I need to look-up another table/dataset which has two fields i.e. country-name and country-code. Another stream-data will have country-code column in it, I need to map respective country-name in the target/result dataframe. As far as I know, we can use join to achieve the above, using broadcast variable and joining. So from performance point of view which one is better here? What is the spark standard to handle this