
Trouble loading Bloomberg addins on excel using python

纵饮孤独 提交于 2020-06-17 15:47:08
问题 I am trying to open an excel which is connected to BBG and refresh values. To open an instance of excel and load bloomberg addins, I used a solution from the attached link a while ago Python using win32com wont update excel sheet with needed Add-ins The solution worked fine for me till yday when for some reason xlapp.RegisterXLL('C:/blp/API/Office Tools/bofaddin.dll') is giving me trouble. i.e. not loading and crashing my codes. Anyone has any ideas whats happening? Codes are below if anyone

Bloomberg - Refresh Workbook how to call

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-05-30 11:30:13
问题 I would like to know if there was a way to do : Bloomberg - > Refresh Workbook But not with my hand and in VBA or using something else.. : Workbook.calculate does not work some times formula gets #N/A Requesting Data... because Data aren't loaded on time.. I really need to found a 100% working way to do it, else if it fail sometimes it can be a huge problem 回答1: You can use the following procedures in the bloomberg add-in Application.Run "RefreshCurrentSelection" Application.Run

Bloomberg web service call for single field and single instrument taking more than 1 min

元气小坏坏 提交于 2020-03-06 02:33:53
问题 I am making a Bloomberg web service GetData call for the "DEBT_TO_EQUITY_FUNDAMENTALS_TKR" field. I am setting secmaster = true and asking for a single instrument with a CUSIP identifier (with yellowkey = MarketSector.Corp). This strikes me as a fairly lightweight call having seen people asking for thousands of instruments and dozens of fields at once. I have played around with setting lots of different settings but I just can't get this request to return in a few seconds. It gives me the

Bloomberg web service call for single field and single instrument taking more than 1 min

最后都变了- 提交于 2020-03-06 02:33:47
问题 I am making a Bloomberg web service GetData call for the "DEBT_TO_EQUITY_FUNDAMENTALS_TKR" field. I am setting secmaster = true and asking for a single instrument with a CUSIP identifier (with yellowkey = MarketSector.Corp). This strikes me as a fairly lightweight call having seen people asking for thousands of instruments and dozens of fields at once. I have played around with setting lots of different settings but I just can't get this request to return in a few seconds. It gives me the

Using the Rblapi package to pull data

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2020-01-16 04:35:08
问题 I have a list of ISINs which is my only source of information. In Excel I can catch the Bloomber ticker which is needed in many cases because it specifies the code of the exchange on which the asset is traded. To do so I only have to add "... Equity isin" in a BDP()-Formula where "..." is a placeholder for the ISIN. So with the new Rblpapi package (which is by the way a fantastic tool!) I can try to do the same: Here is a list of random ISINs isins = c("LU0942970442", "LU0997545750" ,

How to Map Object / Class Property to Dictionary When Object Property And Dictionary Key Names Are Different?

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2020-01-14 06:29:09
问题 I am calling Bloomberg Server API (for Stock Market Data) and getting Data back in a Dictionary<string, object> Where the Key to the dictionary is the Field Name on Bloomberg's side, and the object contains the data value from Bloomberg and can be string , decimal , DateTime , boolean etc. After I get the Bloomberg Data, I need to populate my strong type entities / classes with the values returned. Depending on what Field Names I send in my request to bloomberg, the returned Dictionary could

Bloomberg - Excel VBA Macro to email Bloomberg <CN> screen via <GRAB>

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2020-01-06 19:54:31
问题 I am looking to develop an Excel-Bloomberg macro. The excel spreadsheet will be linked to a Bloomberg Add-In and of course, a Bloomberg Terminal. The objective of the macro is to have a list of securities in column A which we need to gather ‘company news’ for. The objective of this macro is to provide news as a source of backup for equities moving over a price tolerance. The Bloomberg <CN> Screen is desired. The macro needs to execute to the <CN> (company news) screen of each security listed

dynamically read and/or overwrite an excel file with python without the overwrite alert appearing

天涯浪子 提交于 2020-01-05 06:22:09
问题 For some reason the following code runs fine but the file overwrite alert keeps coming up even though I have set xl.EnableEvents = False, the code won't execute further unless I manually click the overwrite file popup. Does anyone know how to fix this? The code opens an excel file which contains a string which allows the excel file to connect to the bloomberg api, I used this solution here to get this to work. As long as the file is open for enough time the data is pulled into the file and

Refresh the BDH's after updating sheet. Bloomberg. Vba

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2020-01-04 09:13:31
问题 I see there's some old stuff about this, but i'm hoping someone has found a new solution. with my routine, I update the dates in 3 workbooks, so that the BDH commands get the latest prices, then i copy the results from those 3 workbooks into a separate summary workbook. However, as common apparently, The BDH function doesn't refresh/update, even after a timepause in there. What are the latest findings on refreshing or re-requesting the BDH commands before i Copy paste them to the results