
Extracting bbcode quote using java and Android but not extracting the content within the quote tag

无人久伴 提交于 2021-02-16 15:18:09
问题 I am going to extract the bbcode with the quotes but to no avail when the actual output is coming. I would like to implement the bbcode parsing module for extracting the quotes as desired output . The number of quotes shall be a recursive method or some else.. INput : Testing [quote] [url] aisa [/url] [/quote] Testing Desired Output Testing [url] aisa [/url] aisa Testing Actual Output:

How to parse bbcodes safely?

不羁岁月 提交于 2021-02-08 08:59:43
问题 I'm trying to parse BBcodes in php but i don't think my code is safe at all. $Text = preg_replace("(\[color=(.+?)\](.+?)\[\/color\])is","<span style=\"color: $1\">$2</span>",$Text); I think you can pass an injection like this and it will work: [color=<script>alert('gotcha');</script>]...[/color] How to improve my regex to only capture the two standar color formats: [color=red]...[/color] OR [color=#FF0000]...[/color] Thanks 回答1: PHP actually has built-in support for bbcode (though you'll need

How change the CKEditor text using jQuery?

Deadly 提交于 2020-04-07 03:22:12
问题 I have a textarea with CKEditor (bbCode Plugin). <textarea id="editor1" name="conteudo" class="form-control" rows="3" required></textarea> This is my CKEditor instance: $( document ).ready( function() { $( 'textarea#editor1' ).ckeditor(); } ); I'm making a JSON request that takes a value and I want this value to be modified in this textarea , I tried with jQuery but not worked ! Below is my attempt: video_id = "lLi1Lx2xTKI"; $.getJSON(''+video_id+'?v

How can I convert bbcode characters to jsx? (enriching text)

馋奶兔 提交于 2020-03-05 03:04:37
问题 Text = "I have this text [b] and want this part to be bold [/b]." How can I replace the [b] and [/b] with strong html tag so that the output is => I have this text and want this part to be bold . I tried using lodash replace like this but eslint is complaining for the closing tag: let startTag = _.replace(text, '[b]', <strong>); let endTag= _.replace(startTag, '[/b]', </strong>); mcve 回答1: Instead of using a basic replace, you should rely on an existing library to achieve this. If you build


試著忘記壹切 提交于 2020-02-25 23:09:37
1. 七牛云 简介:七牛云是国内企业级云服务商,注册认证后有10G永久免费空间,每月10G国内和10G国外流量,速度相当快,七牛云是国内专业CDN服务商,插件支持比较多,有免费ssl证书,但https流量收费。同时可以自定义域名,系统会默认分配测试域名,测试域名只能用20天。 优势:每个月免费10G,图片暂无限制,提供开放接口,开发者可以对接到自己的系统。 缺点:想用https的需要单独付费。 网址: 2.又拍云 简介:注册认证后有10G永久免费空间,每月15G的HTTP和HTTPS流量,提供两款可以免费续期的SSL证书,不过用户需要加入又拍云联盟logo信息。 优势:图片暂无限制,有免费的ssl证书,提供开放接口,开发者可以对接到自己的系统。 缺点:使用的域名需要备案。 网址: 3.SM.MS 简介:免费的、支持批量上传的、多格式的、支持https的图床工具。 优势:支持https,不需要自己准备域名、支持批量上传、图片地址多格式(markdown、html、bbcode) 。 缺点:文件最大5M,一次最多上传10个文件。 网址: 4.路过图床 简介:支持免注册上传图片,永久存储,支持HTTPS加密访问和调用图片,提供多种图片链接格式。 优势:支持https

regex to remove bbcode tags with atrributes

限于喜欢 提交于 2020-02-07 06:48:29
问题 I've got a number of bbcode tags that have phpbb attributes (5 digit value - assuming text color or something). They look like this in the text: This is [b:31747]bold[/b:31747] text and so is [b:17171]this[/b:17171]. I cannot get a regex working that finds bracket+b+colon+any_combo_of_5_digits+end_bracket and lets me replace it with corresponding html. Using php's preg_replace() function, if it makes a difference. 回答1: The regular expression you need is: \[/?b:\d{5}] 回答2: This would replace

regex to remove bbcode tags with atrributes

旧时模样 提交于 2020-02-07 06:48:12
问题 I've got a number of bbcode tags that have phpbb attributes (5 digit value - assuming text color or something). They look like this in the text: This is [b:31747]bold[/b:31747] text and so is [b:17171]this[/b:17171]. I cannot get a regex working that finds bracket+b+colon+any_combo_of_5_digits+end_bracket and lets me replace it with corresponding html. Using php's preg_replace() function, if it makes a difference. 回答1: The regular expression you need is: \[/?b:\d{5}] 回答2: This would replace

regex to remove bbcode tags with atrributes

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2020-02-07 06:48:04
问题 I've got a number of bbcode tags that have phpbb attributes (5 digit value - assuming text color or something). They look like this in the text: This is [b:31747]bold[/b:31747] text and so is [b:17171]this[/b:17171]. I cannot get a regex working that finds bracket+b+colon+any_combo_of_5_digits+end_bracket and lets me replace it with corresponding html. Using php's preg_replace() function, if it makes a difference. 回答1: The regular expression you need is: \[/?b:\d{5}] 回答2: This would replace

Regex BBCode to HTML

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2020-01-11 10:34:20
问题 I writing BBcode converter to html. Converter should skip unclosed tags. I thought about 2 options to do it: 1) match all tags in once using one regex call, like: Regex re2 = new Regex(@"\[(\ /?(?:b|i|u|quote|strike))\]"); MatchCollection mc = re2.Matches(sourcestring); and then, loop over MatchCollection using 2 pointers to find start and open tags and than replacing with right html tag. 2) call regex multiple time for every tag and replace directly: Regex re = new Regex(@"\[b\](.*?)\[\/b\]"

REGEX for bbcode links + non-bbcode URLs

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2020-01-07 04:06:05
问题 Tehre doesn't appear to be a clear answer on how to do this the best way. I have some bbcode which may have links in bbcode format: [url=]link[/url] as well as possible copy/pasted urls: I want to replace both instances with a clickable link. I currently have the following: regexs running: "/\[link=http:\/\/(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/link\]/is" "/\[link=https:\/\/(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/link\]/is" "/\[link=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/link\]/is" $URLRegex = '/(?:(?<!(\[\/link\]|\