
Node is 20x faster Than .NET Core in Connecting to Postgres

末鹿安然 提交于 2020-01-29 13:16:22
问题 I have two servers connecting to a PostgresSQL 9.6 db hosted on Azure. The servers are doing one thing - hitting the Postgres db with a SELECT 1 query every 5 seconds. Typical time to connect to db and get data: Node: 25 MS .NET Core 3.1 using Npsql 4.1.1(I have tried 4.1.2 too, no diff): 500 MS My problem is that my .NET Core app is 20x slower than Node in getting data. I believe .NET Core is not pooling connections for some reason. This slowness occurs with both running the app locally and

invalid input syntax for type timestamp

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-13 02:56:33
问题 While running the below code i get an error saying invalid input syntax for type timestamp from admission_datetime. UPDATE ccsm.stg_demographics_baseline SET xx_los_days = (CASE WHEN admission_datetime IS NULL OR date_trunc('day',admission_datetime) = '' THEN NULL WHEN discharge_datetime IS NULL OR date_trunc('day',discharge_datetime) = '' THEN date_diff('day', admission_datetime, CURRENT_DATE) ELSE date_diff('day', admission_datetime, discharge_datetime) END); enter code here 回答1: See date

Azure Data factory Copy Pipeline failing if more than 6 columns

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-12 21:54:04
问题 I'm trying to copy data from a view in either on-premise PostgeSQL or MSSQL to a table in Azure PostgreSQL. I can't seem to get this to successfully copy when I map more than 6 columns from source to sink. I suspected that one of the source columns was the issue, so varied what columns were mapped but all columns will succeed if less than 6 are copied in total. I then tried different source and sink tables, which produces the same results. If I copy to an intermediary csv file I can import