
Limiting atan2 to specific angle ranges

百般思念 提交于 2021-01-28 07:01:20
问题 I want my Player sprite to rotate following the position of the mouse cursor. I'm using atan2 to set up a 360 degree rotation action script for my Player sprite. atan2(XMouse-XPlayer,YMouse-YPlayer) - 90 Using this, 90 degrees is straight up, 0 is direct right, 270 degrees is straight down. I need the Player sprite to sit on the Left side of the screen and only face the Right side of the screen when it rotates (meaning it can't look backwards). I need to limit my angles to both conditions;

题解 LA4285

佐手、 提交于 2020-03-01 03:41:56
题目大意 多组数据,每组数据给定一个正整数 \(n(n\leq 50)\) 和平面内 \(n\) 个点,求出有多少个由这些点组成的简单,单调(monotone)多边形。一个单调多边形指的是构成这个多边形的所有边的斜率都在 \((-\frac{\pi}2,\frac{\pi}2)\) 中。数据保证没有两个点 \(x\) 轴坐标相同。 分析 不难想到将所有点按照 \(x\) 坐标排个序,然后按照上下两条折线考虑。我们令 \(f[i][j](i\neq j\ or\ i=j=1\ or\ i=j=n)\) 为上折线最右端为第 \(i\) 个点,下折线最右端为第 \(j\) 个点的所有方案数。不妨假定 \(i<j\) ,则 \(f[i][j]\) 只能向 \(f[i][j+1]\) 和 \(f[j+1][j]\) 转移。向 \(f[i][j+1]\) 的转移一定是可以的,我们来考虑向 \(f[j+1][j]\) 的转移。 用数学归纳法可以得到 \(f[i][j]\) 的所有方案数一定满足单调,那么就只用考虑简单了,也就是说边 \((i,j+1)\) 不能和边 \((k, k+1)|i<k<j\) 相交,也就是说点 \(k|i<k\leq j\) 全都在边 \((i,j+1)\) 的同一侧(下侧),更进一步,如果考虑点 \(j+1\) 的极角,有 \(ang_i<ang_k(i<k\leq


末鹿安然 提交于 2020-02-29 01:39:35
现在是2020 02-28 20:29,正在做软件构造实验1第六个问题,在这个问题中需要用到java的库函数atan2函数,通过查阅API文档和搜索可知: Math.atan函数 Math.atan()函数接受一个参数,该参数表示的是直线的斜率,返回的是该斜率对应的弧度值。而我们经常需要使用的是直线与x轴的夹角。因此只需要将弧度值转换为弧度值即可。 double x = Math.atan( y); double angle = x/Math.PI*180;//转换为角度 但是,对于不同的角度,直线的斜率可能相等(只需要角度相差是180度的倍数即可),比如60度和240度,因此Math.atan函数返回的值可能是不唯一的,这样就比较麻烦。 因此更好的选择是使用Math.atan2函数 Math.atan2函数 Math.atan2函数有两个参数x,y。该函数返回的值也是一个弧度值。它代表的是坐标(0,0)指向坐标(x,y)的向量方向和x轴坐标的角度值。 double angle = Math.atan2(x,y); 来源: CSDN 作者: zrhhhhh123 链接:

atan2 - find angle between two points (360deg)

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-01-16 02:05:24
问题 I have a game where there is a Player and some enemies . These enemies, just as the player itself, can shoot bullets . But the angle of bullets don't change as it is supposed to; The newly created bullet is supposed to find the angle between itself and the player, then just go in that direction - this has to be done in 360° . I have followed this answer but I believe that I have done something incorrect. because this is what happens: and this is how it should be: currently it only goes like

Calculating angles between line segments (Python) with math.atan2

孤者浪人 提交于 2020-01-01 05:32:41
问题 I am working on a spatial analysis problem and part of this workflow is to calculate the angle between connected line segments. Each line segment is composed of only two points, and each point has a pair of XY coordinates (Cartesian). Here is the image from GeoGebra. I am always interested in getting a positive angle in 0 to 180 range . However, I get all kind of angles depending on the order of vertices in input line segments. The input data I work with is provided as tuples of coordinates.

Having trouble calculating direction for particle explosion

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-25 09:36:14
问题 I'm trying make a particle explosion system, where each particle explodes directly away from a central point. But I'm getting some really funky behavior. I'm using Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) * 180 / Math.PI; to calculate the direction to the center point, then reversing the direction by subtracting 180 degrees from the angle. Here's the rest of my code dealing with the particles: for ( var i = 0; i < le.length; i ++ ) { // Create new particle element and append it to document. lObj[i] = new

Odeint function from scipy.integrate gives wrong result

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-25 03:44:45
问题 I use odeint function to solve a coupled differential equations system and plot one of the variables (theta_i) after the system is solved. My variable (theta_i) comes from the equation: theta_i = np.arctan2(g1,g2) where g1 ang g2 are variables calculated in the same function. The results have to be between -pi and pi and they are supposed to look like this (plot from matlab simulation): However, when I try to plot theta_i after odeint has finished I get this(plot from my python code): which

Plotting an intuitive graph of angles

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-23 13:11:32
问题 I'm trying to plot the heading of an object. I have four vectors of points - let's call them mdex mdey (aka x1,y1 ), thpx thpy (aka x2,y2 ). I am finding the change in y and the change in x ( dy and dx ) and then entering that into the atan2d function. I then run through the results and plot them onto a chart. The scale on the chart goes from -180 to 180. My problem arises when the line passes through -180 or 180 degrees. It then 'pops' to the opposite side of the graph (i.e. what would be

How to compute directional angle between two 2D vectors in MatLab?

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-23 02:49:34
问题 I am trying to implement a script to analyze some of my data. I have position information for three points (p1,p2,p3). I would like to find the angular displacement of point p3 from the vector p1p2, as in this picture: p3a, p3b, p3c, p3d show possible relative positions for p3. As shown, I would like the sign of the output angle to describe its relative position to vector p1p2. The code I am using is as follows (adapted to the diagram): v1 = p2 - p1; x1 = v1(1); y1 = v1(2); v2 = p1 - p3; x2 =

SIMD vectorize atan2 using ARM NEON assembly

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-20 01:12:34
问题 I want to calculate the magnitude and the angle of 4 points using neon instructions SIMD and arm assembly. There is a built in library in most languages, C++ in my case, which calculates the angle (atan2) but for only one pair of floating point variables (x and y). I would like to exploit SIMD instructions that deal with q registers in order to calculate atan2 for a vector of 4 values. The accuracy is required not to be high, the speed is more important. I already have a few assembly