
cannot build assimp with minGw64

允我心安 提交于 2021-01-29 06:34:39
问题 I used cmake and I was able to build a C::B project. But Compiling the Assimp.cbp file raised a bunch of errors. Is there someone experimented in compiling assimp with mingw64 under w10 for C::B to send me clues ? Thks in advance. Here are the log errors : C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/9.2.0/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: CMakeFiles\assimp_cmd.dir/objects.a(Main.cpp.obj):Main.cpp:(.text+0x8e): undefined reference to `Assimp::Importer::ValidateFlags(unsigned

assimp-vc140-mt.dll ASSIMP was not found

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2021-01-27 07:24:46
问题 I have downloaded the Assimp project from Assimp release image assimp zip image And I've also downloaded the cmake x86 version from this link: cmake x86 image I have extracted both, and made a build folder next to the assimp's folder. After that I have opened a command promt, changed the directory to the mentioned build folder. I gave the cmake.exe 's path to the command promt and the assimp folder's path as the

assimp-vc140-mt.dll ASSIMP was not found

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2021-01-27 07:23:36
问题 I have downloaded the Assimp project from Assimp release image assimp zip image And I've also downloaded the cmake x86 version from this link: cmake x86 image I have extracted both, and made a build folder next to the assimp's folder. After that I have opened a command promt, changed the directory to the mentioned build folder. I gave the cmake.exe 's path to the command promt and the assimp folder's path as the

Wrong Bone Rotation in Assimp

南笙酒味 提交于 2020-06-29 03:57:04
问题 Recently I am working on some way to transform a given bone (rotate by some angle ) using Assimp in visual Studio C++. I read at many sites procedure to do this and still I am not able to find error with multiple trials for matrix multiplication orders. What I'm doing is given a model I firstly find the perVertexBone data and then I find bone locations prior any transformation and then represent all vertices in Model using linear weight assignment with bones using perVertexBone data


两盒软妹~` 提交于 2020-03-09 09:41:07
前边分享过一个开源的三维模型浏览工具分享开源三维模型查看器,这个在github是有源码的,基于open asset import library(assimp)这个类库进行开发的,此类库是用C++写的,但是支持下图的多种语言开发。 本文是使用C#开发的模型修改,在vs中使用NuGet在线即可安装assimp的类库,对应的C++类库都会下载下来,类库名称是AssimpNet,在cs文件的中引用using Assimp即可。 //初始化一个AssimpContext,模型的所有操作都在这个AssimpContext中。 using ( var imp = new AssimpContext ( ) ) { //导入一个模型文件,参见Assimp的模型支持格式,后边可以对应添加一些设置参数 var _raw = imp . ImportFile ( @"模型文件路径" , PostProcessSteps . MakeLeftHanded ) ; //场景中所有模型分块,一个模型文件中可能分成几个模型块 var _lstMeshes = _raw . Meshes ; //每个模型块就可以修改了,里边有Vertices坐标信息,Faces是三角面的信息 //都是按照list组织的,更新list中的内容即可 var _evMesh = _raw . Meshes [ 0 ] ; /

使用Android Studio+CMakeLists编译assimp

我是研究僧i 提交于 2020-02-25 00:46:00
先说环境win10,android studio3.5.3,ndk-r18b,assimp-4.1.0 为啥是assimp-4.1.0,因为最开始去网上找例子的时候是4.1.0版本,就没改了,我想5.0.1也差不多,只是我只编译成功了arm64-v8a的,其他的编译失败了,也不知道是不是参数不对,先这样吧 首先创建个项目,选c++项目 我创建的项目的CMakeLists.txt文件默认在cpp文件夹下,如果不同根据自己的情况进行修改 下载 assimp-4.1.0 ,再下载 AssimpAndroid 的代码,AssimpAndroid是一个显示模型的demo,我还不太会assimp,所以先用别人的代码来测试 将assimp-4.1.0整个文件夹复制到cpp文件夹下,修改文件夹名 将AssimpAndroid\app\src\main\externals\glm-\内的glm整个文件夹复制到cpp文件夹下 在cpp的CMakeLists.txt内添加代码 aux_source_directory (${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/glm/ GLM) aux_source_directory (${GLM}/gtc GTC) aux_source_directory (${GLM}/gtx GTX) aux_source_directory (${GLM}


荒凉一梦 提交于 2020-02-22 09:46:17
1, Assimp可以导入几十种不同格式的模型文件(同样也可以导出部分模型格式)。只要Assimp加载完了模型文件,我们就可以从Assimp上获取所有我们需要的模型数据。 Assimp把不同的模型文件都转换为一个统一的数据结构,所有无论我们导入何种格式的模型文,件,都可以用同一个方式去访问我们需要的模型数据。 2 , 当导入一个模型文件时,即Assimp加载一整个包含所有模型和场景数据的模型文件到一个scene对象时,Assimp会为这个模型文件中的所有场景节点、模型节点都生成一个具有对应关系的数据结构,且将这些场景中的各种元素与模型数据对应起来。下图展示了一个简化,,的Assimp生成的模型文件数据结构: 所有的模型、场景数据都包含在 Scene 对象中,如所有的材质和Mesh。同样,场景的根节点引用也包含在这个scene对象中。 场景的根节点( Root node )可能也会包含很多子节点和一个指向保存模型点云数据mMeshes[]的索引集合。根节点上的mMeshes[]里保存了实际了Mesh对象,而每个子节点上的mMesshes[]都只是指向根节点中的mMeshes[]的一个引用(译者注:C/C++称为指针,Java/C#称为引用)。 一个 Mesh 对象本身包含渲染所需的所有相关数据,比如顶点位置、法线向量、纹理坐标、面片及物体的材质。 一个Mesh会包含多个面片。一个

How do you load Blender files using Assimp?

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2020-01-13 10:37:09
问题 I tried to load Blender file using Assimp library on C++ using the following code, but it fails since it doesn't have any meshes at all. The blender file I am using is the default cube saved using Blender itself. Assimp::Importer importer; const aiScene * scene = importer.ReadFile( path, aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_Fast ); if( !scene ) { fprintf( stderr, importer.GetErrorString() ); return false; } const aiMesh * mesh = scene->mMeshes[0]; // Fails here since mMeshes is NULL What am I doing

is it possible to run assimp commandline tool with the php

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2020-01-07 05:03:35
问题 I used following command to convert the 3d models with the assimp Assimp, and it is working fine on Windows: assimp2json seaknight.obj seaknight.json I need to know how can I run this command from the PHP? I know that there re functions to run the shell execution from PHP, but it didn't work and I don't get any error. PHP code is used is follows. system("D:\assimp2json-2.0-win32\Release\assimp2json.exe assimp2json seaknight.obj seaknight.json"); and another one is $old_path = getcwd(); chdir(