
Reading a text file from the client and on the client that exceeds the maximum size of a single string in javascript

荒凉一梦 提交于 2020-01-21 19:11:44
问题 I'd like to reverse the following steps performed on the client in javascript but am having trouble with the blob. In an indexedDB database, over an open cursor on an object store index: Extracted data object from database. Converted object to string with JSON.stringify. Made new blob { type: 'text/csv' } of the JSON string. Wrote blob to an array. Moved cursor down one and repeated from step 1. After the transaction completed successfully, a new blob of same type was made from the array of

Reading a text file from the client and on the client that exceeds the maximum size of a single string in javascript

痴心易碎 提交于 2020-01-21 19:11:08
问题 I'd like to reverse the following steps performed on the client in javascript but am having trouble with the blob. In an indexedDB database, over an open cursor on an object store index: Extracted data object from database. Converted object to string with JSON.stringify. Made new blob { type: 'text/csv' } of the JSON string. Wrote blob to an array. Moved cursor down one and repeated from step 1. After the transaction completed successfully, a new blob of same type was made from the array of

How do you download a PDF from an API in angular2 RC5?

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2020-01-13 16:18:28
问题 This previous question had some good work arounds: Angular 2 download PDF from API and Display it in View but now that RC5 is out we can use arrayBuffer(). I can't seem to get anywhere with this. How do I go from this to a nice pdf blob: return this._authHttp.get(this.fileUrl+id) .map((res:Response) => res.arrayBuffer()) .subscribe( data => { console.log(data); var blob = new Blob([data], {type: 'application/pdf'}); console.log(blob); saveAs(blob, "testData.pdf"); }, err => console.error(err)

Create HTML canvas from Ajax Arraybuffer response type

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2020-01-06 01:48:42
问题 I am doing a Ajax call to Server for a Jpeg file. I have the data returned as Array buffer. Now how can I render this Array buffer on the canvas. Now please dont suggest any answer like setting the source url to the image. I want to hold the image data on memory for some processing. 回答1: If you don't want to use the buffer as an image source, the only option left is to parse the raw buffer yourself. Just have in mind that this buffer contains the unprocessed (raw) file, so by parsing it means

Create HTML canvas from Ajax Arraybuffer response type

假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-01-06 01:48:08
问题 I am doing a Ajax call to Server for a Jpeg file. I have the data returned as Array buffer. Now how can I render this Array buffer on the canvas. Now please dont suggest any answer like setting the source url to the image. I want to hold the image data on memory for some processing. 回答1: If you don't want to use the buffer as an image source, the only option left is to parse the raw buffer yourself. Just have in mind that this buffer contains the unprocessed (raw) file, so by parsing it means

Converting arraybuffer to string : Maximum call stack size exceeded

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-30 17:39:23
问题 This is my line of code. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET',window.location.href, true); xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer"; xhr.onload = function(event) { debugger; console.log(" coverting array buffer to string "); alert(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(this.response))); }; xhr.send(); That request is making to a pdf url which is around 3 MB in size. Read few thread with same error, telling that there must be some recursive call but I do not see any recursive call

How to efficiently convert THREE.Geometry to ArrayBuffer, File or Blob?

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-29 06:30:12
问题 I'd like to move a piece of my code in which i build a THREE.Geometry object to a HTML5 Web Worker. Since i don't want to serialize it to a string (for obvious performance purposes), i'd like to convert it to a Transferable Object like ArrayBuffer, File or Blob so i can pass it "by reference". Do you know a efficient way to convert a THREE.Geometry to one of those objects ? 回答1: The most efficient way is to use the existing geometry buffers such as: geometryGroup.__vertexArray geometryGroup._

[HTML5] FileReader对象

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2019-12-29 04:45:14
写在前面 前一篇文章介绍了HTML5中的Blob对象(详情戳 这里 ),从中了解到Blob对象只是二进制数据的容器,本身并不能操作二进制,故本篇将对其操作对象FileReader进行介绍。 FileReader FileReader主要用于将文件内容读入内存,通过一系列异步接口,可以在主线程中访问本地文件。 使用FileReader对象,web应用程序可以异步的读取存储在用户计算机上的文件(或者原始数据缓冲)内容,可以使用File对象或者Blob对象来指定所要处理的文件或数据。 创建实例 var reader = new FileReader(); 方法 方法定义 描述 abort():void 终止文件读取操作 readAsArrayBuffer(file):void 异步按字节读取文件内容,结果用ArrayBuffer对象表示 readAsBinaryString(file):void 异步按字节读取文件内容,结果为文件的二进制串 readAsDataURL(file):void 异步读取文件内容,结果用data:url的字符串形式表示 readAsText(file,encoding):void 异步按字符读取文件内容,结果用字符串形式表示 事件 事件名称 描述 onabort 当读取操作被中止时调用 onerror 当读取操作发生错误时调用 onload

13 Collection 容器

久未见 提交于 2019-12-26 11:43:54
文章目录 主要的collection特质 可变和不可变的collection 序列Seq 列表 集 Set 添加或去除元素的操作符 常用方法 官方collection教程 所有collection扩展自Iterable特质 三大类,序列,集合,映射 seq set map 对于几乎所有的collection,都提供了可变和不可变的版本 列表要么是空的,要么是一头一尾,尾是列表 集合没有先后次序 + 将元素添加到无先后次序的容器中,+: 和 :+向前或向后追加到序列,++将两个集合串接到一起,-和–移除元素(1个减号和两个减号) Iterable和Seq特质有数十个常见操作方法,很丰富 映射、折叠和拉链 主要的collection特质 下面请欣赏一组图片,注意 蓝底白字(特质trait)和黑底白字(类class),虚线(隐式转换)和粗实线(默认实现)、细实线(通过类实现) 。 图片来源 。 首先是scala.collection scala.collection.immutable scala.collection.mutable 图例 Iterable指的是那些能够交出用来访问集合中所有元素的Iterator的集合 val coll = List ( 2 , 1 , 4 , 3 ) //任意Iterable特质的类 val iter = coll . iterator while


我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-25 17:52:16
scala中的数组和 java中的数组一样, 定义了长度后不可改变 1, 产生一个数组: 有3种创建数组的方式, 分别直接new, 直接赋值, 或者使用 Array中的rang来产生 /** * 获取数组 */ def getArray() : Array[String] = { var z: Array[String] = new Array[String](3) var x = new Array[String](3) var y = Array("123", "234", "345") var r = Array.range(10, 20, 3)  // 默认最后一个数字为步进 var seg = 1 to 5    // 包含5   var seg_util = 1 until 5  // 不包含5  y } 2, 对数组中的元素进行赋值 // 赋值 def setValue(arr : Array[String]): Array[String] = { for(i <- 0 to (arr.length - 1)) { arr(i) = String.valueOf(Random.nextInt(10)) } arr }// 赋值arr(0) = "abc" 3, 遍历数组中的元素 // 遍历数组 def scanArray(arr: Array[String]):