
add innerHTML within title of popuptemplate (arcgis-js-api 4.xx)

限于喜欢 提交于 2020-07-10 10:26:13
问题 I have tried it stand alone like this: myLayer.popupTemplate = { <--- have also tried defining this as popupShake title: function(feature) { let spl = document.createElement("span"); spl.className = "name_plc"; spl.innerHTML = "<span class='name_plc'></span>"; return spl; } }; I have also tried it inline within the popuptemplate call (such as the content section, but title will not run even though documentation states it accepts strings and OR functions ). i.e. let popupShake = { outFields: [

add items to map, collectively, one at a time, per attribute id

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2020-06-29 03:39:16
问题 I have successfully been able to filter, for instance shakemaps, by attribute id - I have successfully achieved this multiple ways - but all ending with the same problem. 1.) with the where filter 2.) definition expression 3.) iterating through all attribute ids and bringing them back. The problem: All exists for only allowing/displaying one per attribute id at a time.. my goal is to feed the attribute ids into a checkbox list (which I have done), but allowing for items via attribute id to be

ArcGIS Javascript API 4.14 Add attached image in custom popup template

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2020-04-18 02:56:52
问题 I am using arcGIS Javascript API 4.14 webmap and I wanted to add an image to the custom popup template. When I enable it by adding the code, = true; my custom template styles are not working. I am accessing other layer properties such as, address = feature.graphic.attributes.LOCATIONADDRESS; Is there any way to access the image also in the popup? Please suggest me a way to add the image url in the popup. Here is the code used for popup map.js

Adding geoserver wms layer using arcgis javascript 4.x

社会主义新天地 提交于 2020-01-25 04:40:14
问题 I am trying to add a geoserver layer to arcgis javascript 4.x. Here is what I have so far: var layer1 = new WMSLayerInfo({ name: 'sf:layer01', title: 'sf:layer01' }); var resourceInfo = { extent: new Extent(275935.148501, 2038404.844184, 276182.595821, 2038680.709887, { wkid: 2236 }), layerInfos: [layer1] }; var wmsLayer = new WMSLayer('https://myserver/geoserver/sf/wms', { resourceInfo: resourceInfo, visibleLayers: ['sf:layer01'] }); map.addLayers([wmsLayer]); So far, I found out that the

clear map zoom and geometries of feature layer

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2020-01-24 19:55:08
问题 i have selected feature(feature layer) from combobox and it zoom to the feature . now i want to clear combobox slection and map . and zoom map to its default zoom. //combobox selection clear dijit.byId("A1").reset(); dijit.byId("A2").reset(); dijit.byId("A3").reset(); dijit.byId("A4").reset(); dijit.byId("A5").reset(); //layer selection clear document.getElementById('A1_layer').clearSelection(); document.getElementById('A2_layerC').clearSelection(); document.getElementById('A3_layerC')