
View available methods ruby

扶醉桌前 提交于 2020-02-01 01:40:27
问题 how can I view all the available methods on an object in ruby. I'm using the aptana IDE when I type File. no methods are displayed. I'm coming from an eclipse/java background. Thanks 回答1: There are several methods: obj.methods obj.public_methods obj.private_methods obj.protected_methods obj.singleton_methods Update To get the object methods apart from all inherited methods you can do: obj.methods(false) As Tempus mentioned in the comments, the following command is very helpful to get the

Store eclipse .project files outside the project directory

只愿长相守 提交于 2020-01-31 06:44:24
问题 I dunno whether it's even possible since this file does not contain any relevant links to directories, but anyway: I want to store .project files in a separate dir outside the project root. How can I do that? Best regards 回答1: You can't place the ".project" outside of the project root, as the project root is the folder where the ".project" is located. What you can is, you can define a project at an other location as your sources und create linked folders to link your sources to your project.


。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-01-30 01:53:24
解决了类自动加载的问题,剩下的问题就是看文档了,laravel的官方文档虽然简单,但是却包含了很多基础知识,学习Laravel最好先看看官方文档,我感觉帮助很大,因为laravel框架的源码看起来并不容易,一层一层的套,看文档会快一些,如果想更详细的了解,可以考虑研究源码。 考虑到laravel框架的复杂性,最好不要使用编辑器,要用IDE来开发,因为IDE可以调试、跳转到类声明文件等等,还包括一些自动完成的功能。不过如果坚持要使用编辑器,推荐用sublime,常见的IDE有Netbeans、PHPEclipse、Aptana、ZendStudio、PHPStorm,其中ZendStudio、PHPStorm是收费软件,如果有钱是更好的选择,如果注重版权,可以考虑Netbeans、PHPEclipse、Aptana,PHPEclipse和Aptana比较类似,我比较喜欢Netbeans和Aptana,它们都能提供语法加亮、代码提示、调试、版本管理方面的支持,使用上都差不多,我选择了Netbeans,因为Netbeans支持采用PHP内建的web服务器,对于开始一个新项目很方便,适合初学者,也可以选择Aptana,只是麻烦一些,需要修改Apache配置文件,增加一个虚拟主机。 在使用IDE之前最好增加IDE支持,因为常见的IDE无法理解Laravel的Facades的工作方式


扶醉桌前 提交于 2020-01-28 02:22:10
一、关于aptana aptana是一款很不错的插件,本人主要用于安装此类插件,在eclipse中用于编辑javascript代码,html代码,和css代码的,因为其有自动纠错功能,当然安装后的问题可能是比较卡机, 二、安装方法 安装的方法有两种: <1>采用eclipse的更新软件的方式安装(不是很倾向于此种方法): (a)打开eclipse,在help-->install new software进入到编辑页面,如下图: 如上所示:这里面此阿勇url的方式去寻找aptana的路径:其中的url为: http://download.aptana.com/studio3/plugin/install ,这里是正确的地址 (b)点击确定后会在对应的位置显示出查找到的插件,勾选即可,剩下等待后续安装事宜,next直到finish <2>采用link的方式添加 (a)下载aptana文件,这里面下载的连接我暂时不提供,因为木有去寻找, (b)安装aptana插件 将压缩包解压缩到eclipse的aptana文件里面(这个文件是我自己新建的,当然你需要在aptana下面新建一个eclipse文件,然后将压缩包内容解压缩到eclipse里面), c)link方式编辑, 可能你的eclipse下面没有links文件夹,不要紧你只需要新建一个links即可

Disabling CSS validation in Aptana Studio 3

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2020-01-24 09:53:27
问题 Anyone know how to disable CSS validation with Aptana Studio 3? In version 3.0.4 the warnings remain even after completely disabling the W3C CSS Validator. Any ideas? 回答1: Have you tried to manually delete all existing warnings? Disabling the validator will not create any new warnings, but the existing warnings remain. Right click on the warnings and click Delete . 回答2: This is a known issue with Studio 3.0.4: http://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/APSTUD-3371. A workaround is to do a Project >

Disabling CSS validation in Aptana Studio 3

可紊 提交于 2020-01-24 09:52:20
问题 Anyone know how to disable CSS validation with Aptana Studio 3? In version 3.0.4 the warnings remain even after completely disabling the W3C CSS Validator. Any ideas? 回答1: Have you tried to manually delete all existing warnings? Disabling the validator will not create any new warnings, but the existing warnings remain. Right click on the warnings and click Delete . 回答2: This is a known issue with Studio 3.0.4: http://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/APSTUD-3371. A workaround is to do a Project >

legacy Java Runtime 6 Catilina Mac

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2020-01-15 09:32:10
问题 I installed Aptana Studio 3 on my MAC which I updated to the Newest OS Catilina. That is what outdated all my adobe applications and Dreamweaver was a favourite program. Installing Aptana Studio 3 I can't open it because it says I need to instal Legacy Java SE Runtile 6. But I can't install that because Catalina has a higher version of Java that is already installed. So I can't open Aptana Studio 3. Any suggestions? 回答1: Steps to install Java 6 on Catalina From https://www.harrisgeospatial

legacy Java Runtime 6 Catilina Mac

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2020-01-15 09:31:49
问题 I installed Aptana Studio 3 on my MAC which I updated to the Newest OS Catilina. That is what outdated all my adobe applications and Dreamweaver was a favourite program. Installing Aptana Studio 3 I can't open it because it says I need to instal Legacy Java SE Runtile 6. But I can't install that because Catalina has a higher version of Java that is already installed. So I can't open Aptana Studio 3. Any suggestions? 回答1: Steps to install Java 6 on Catalina From https://www.harrisgeospatial

legacy Java Runtime 6 Catilina Mac

我的梦境 提交于 2020-01-15 09:31:12
问题 I installed Aptana Studio 3 on my MAC which I updated to the Newest OS Catilina. That is what outdated all my adobe applications and Dreamweaver was a favourite program. Installing Aptana Studio 3 I can't open it because it says I need to instal Legacy Java SE Runtile 6. But I can't install that because Catalina has a higher version of Java that is already installed. So I can't open Aptana Studio 3. Any suggestions? 回答1: Steps to install Java 6 on Catalina From https://www.harrisgeospatial

Remote debugging Rails application in Aptana Studio 3

拟墨画扇 提交于 2020-01-13 19:24:47
问题 My Rails development IDE is Aptana Studio 3.0.5, running on Windows. The applications runs on Apache + ModRails (Phusion Passenger) on a separate CentOS Linux machine. I have both Rails 2.x and 3.x applications. I would like to be able to use the debugger in Aptana Studio (connect to the running application remotely). There are apparently some provisions for this, but I was unable to figure out what I need on the server side (in my Rails application configuration) I've tried this: Using Rack: