Asset Catalog Compiler Error - none of the input catalogs contained a matching app icon set named “AppIcon”

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:33:01


Asset Catalog Compiler Error - none of the input catalogs contained a matching app icon set named "AppIcon"


Please verify your settings is correct.


I had a similar problem and I think it was because I accidentally deleted the AppIcon in Images.xcassets. So I will explain what I did.

  1. Open the Images.xcassets in the current project.
  2. Resize the window and move the window(Xcode) to the right.
  3. Start a new project in Xcode(a temporary one). Name it something like "temporaryApp".
  4. Open the Images.xcassets in the temporaryApp. Here, you can see AppIcon.
  5. Click and drag this to Images.xcassets of our previous app, that is placed at the right-hand side of the screen.

And voila, Build Succeeded.

Hope this works for you


This once happened to me, and I solve it correctly with an easy way :->

  1. choose the file "Images.xcassets", if your project does not have such a resource file, create it.

  2. click your mouse's right key in the blanket, and choose "New App Icon"

  3. build your project again, everything works fine now. IF NOT, check the project's "Build Settings", and find property "Asset Catalog App Icon Set Name" to see if it was "AppIcon".


I had a same issue and I solved this way. For me, I added Apple Watch extension within this project and deleting them got me into this trouble.

In the Images.xcassets, I do have "icon" and "info", but the error message was exactly same as yours but for "icon" set.

So I searched within xCode project which contains "icon". and found xcodeproj file > build settings > Asset Catalog Compiler - Options with app icon set name as "icon".

So I deleted icon leave it blank and build again, IT WORKS.


This problem might be solved by removing the reference of .xcassets file and adding it back if the AppIcon and info is already setup. It worked for me when i removed the reference to Images.xcassets and then added it to project again from Xcode.


You have probably deleted the Appicon in a Assets.xcassets, you can fix it by going to Assets.xcassets -> hitting the + -> App Icons & Launch Image -> New iOS App Icon.

Here's an Image
