PyInstaller does NOT work when including Pysnmp

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:23:02


Just trying one of the official documentation site examples:

from pysnmp.hlapi import *  errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds = next(     getCmd(SnmpEngine(),           CommunityData('public'),           UdpTransportTarget(('', 161)),           ContextData(),           ObjectType(ObjectIdentity(''))) )  if errorIndication:     print(errorIndication) elif errorStatus:     print('%s at %s' % (            errorStatus.prettyPrint(),            errorIndex and varBinds[int(errorIndex)-1][0] or '?'        )     ) else:     for varBind in varBinds:        print(' = '.join([ x.prettyPrint() for x in varBind ])) 

we can see it does work if its executed through the Python interpreter:

 (Compiler)[user@machine testSNMP]$ python   SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr."0" = 48-port 10/100/1000 Gigabit Switch 

However, if I try to "freeze" it with PyInstaller (PyInstaller --onefile) I get the following error once it is executed:

  (Compiler)[user@machine testSNMP]$ /lab/testSNMP/dist/testSNMP Traceback (most recent call last):   File "", line 4, in    File "/lab/testSNMP/build/testSNMP/out00-PYZ.pyz/pysnmp.entity.engine", line 83, in __init__   File "/lab/testSNMP/build/testSNMP/out00-PYZ.pyz/pysnmp.smi.builder", line 359, in importSymbols pysnmp.smi.error.MibNotFoundError: No module __SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB loaded at 

It seems that mandatory files in pysnmp/smi/mibs are not explicitly imported to be used. That's why I've split the build procedure in phases. Fist, create the spec file.

(Compiler)[user@machine testSNMP]$ pyi-makespec --onefile wrote /lab/testSNMP/getInterfaces.spec now run to build the executable 

Then, I've edited it to import required files following advices from this other stack post (Can't get pysnmp to work with pyinstaller):

# -*- mode: python -*- import PyInstaller.hooks.hookutils hiddenimports = ['pysnmp.smi.exval','pysnmp.cache'] + PyInstaller.hooks.hookutils.collect_submodules('pysnmp.smi.mibs') + PyInstaller.hooks.hookutils.collect_submodules('pysnmp.smi.mibs.instances') a = Analysis([''],             pathex=['/lab/testSNMP'],             hiddenimports=hiddenimports,             hookspath=None,             runtime_hooks=None) x = Tree('/virtualenvs/Compiler/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pysnmp/smi/mibs',prefix='pysnmp/smi/mibs',excludes='.py') pyz = PYZ(a.pure) exe = EXE(pyz,          a.scripts,          a.binaries,          a.zipfiles,          a.datas,          x,          name='testSNMP',          debug=False,          strip=None,          upx=True,          console=True ) 

But then, once it's built and executed, I'm getting this other error:

(Compiler)[user@machine testSNMP]$ /lab/testSNMP/dist/testSNMP Traceback (most recent call last):   File "", line 15, in    File "/lab/testSNMP/build/testSNMP/out00-PYZ.pyz/pysnmp.hlapi.asyncore.sync.cmdgen", line 98, in getCmd   File "/lab/testSNMP/build/testSNMP/out00-PYZ.pyz/pysnmp.hlapi.asyncore.cmdgen", line 135, in getCmd   File "/lab/testSNMP/build/testSNMP/out00-PYZ.pyz/pysnmp.hlapi.varbinds", line 30, in makeVarBinds   File "/lab/testSNMP/build/testSNMP/out00-PYZ.pyz/pysnmp.smi.rfc1902", line 689, in resolveWithMib   File "/lab/testSNMP/build/testSNMP/out00-PYZ.pyz/pysnmp.smi.rfc1902", line 299, in resolveWithMib   File "/lab/testSNMP/build/testSNMP/out00-PYZ.pyz/pysnmp.smi.compiler", line 44, in addMibCompiler   File "/lab/testSNMP/build/testSNMP/out00-PYZ.pyz/pysmi.parser.smi", line 21, in __init__   File "/lab/testSNMP/build/testSNMP/out00-PYZ.pyz/pysmi.lexer.smi", line 83, in __init__   File "/lab/testSNMP/build/testSNMP/out00-PYZ.pyz/pysmi.lexer.smi", line 100, in reset   File "/lab/testSNMP/build/testSNMP/out00-PYZ.pyz/ply.lex", line 915, in lex   File "/lab/testSNMP/build/testSNMP/out00-PYZ.pyz/ply.lex", line 577, in validate_all   File "/lab/testSNMP/build/testSNMP/out00-PYZ.pyz/ply.lex", line 819, in validate_rules   File "/lab/testSNMP/build/testSNMP/out00-PYZ.pyz/ply.lex", line 830, in validate_module   File "/lab/testSNMP/build/testSNMP/out00-PYZ.pyz/inspect", line 690, in getsourcelines   File "/lab/testSNMP/build/testSNMP/out00-PYZ.pyz/inspect", line 538, in findsource IOError: could not get source code 

What else can I do? Thanks in advance!


I had the same problem and managed to get it working by including the pysmi files as a Tree just like the pysnmp mibs.

My pyinstaller spec file ended up like:

...  x = Tree(os.getcwd()+'/.pyenv/Lib/site-packages/pysnmp/smi/mibs',prefix='pysnmp/smi/mibs') y = Tree(os.getcwd()+'/.pyenv/Lib/site-packages/pysmi',prefix='pysmi')  ...  exe = EXE(pyz,       a.scripts,       a.binaries,       a.zipfiles,       a.datas,       x,y,  ... 

While this worked I actually solved it in another way by using an older version of pysnmp v4.2.5 which doesn't depend on pysmi


Got the same error "could not get source code". There is an issue about that created on Pyinstaller github page: Solution is to include ply to spec file as it is described in link you mentioned: Can't get pysnmp to work with pyinstaller by adding "PyInstaller.utils.hooks.collect_submodules('ply')" to hiddenimports

And make sure ply version is >= 3.9!

My spec file looks pretty much same except Analysis part:

a = Analysis([''],          binaries=None,          datas=PyInstaller.utils.hooks.collect_data_files('pysnmp') + \          hiddenimports=PyInstaller.utils.hooks.collect_submodules('pysmi')+\          PyInstaller.utils.hooks.collect_submodules('ply') + \          PyInstaller.utils.hooks.collect_submodules('pyasn1') + \          PyInstaller.utils.hooks.collect_submodules('pysnmp'),          hookspath=None,          runtime_hooks=None,          excludes=None,          win_no_prefer_redirects=None,          win_private_assemblies=None,          cipher=block_cipher) 


To make Jeremy's answer portable, you can modify your specfile like this diff:

+ import os.path + import pysmi + import pysnmp.smi.mibs  + def module_base(module): +   return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(module.__file__, os.pardir))    coll = COLLECT(       exe,       a.binaries,       a.zipfiles,       a.datas, +     Tree(module_base(pysmi), prefix='pysmi'), +     Tree(module_base(pysnmp.smi.mibs), prefix='pysnmp/smi/mibs'),       ... 

EDIT: turn out adding these to hiddenimports solved the problem for me:

'pysnmp.smi.mibs', 'pysnmp.smi.mibs.instances', 'pysnmp.smi.exval', 'pysnmp.cache' 
