How to map uint in NHibernate with SQL Server 2005

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-01 18:16:03

The cleanest, most official solution would probably be to write a user type.

Take an example, like this one and adapt it. If you have many uint's, it is worth to have a user type.

<property name="Prop" type="UIntUserType"/>

Haven't tried this so not sure if this will work for you but you could try creating your own Dialect and registering that in the web.config/app.config

Dialect class:

public class MyDialect:MsSql2005Dialect
    public MyDialect()
        RegisterColumnType(System.Data.DbType.UInt32, "bigint");            


  <section name="hibernate-configuration" type="NHibernate.Cfg.ConfigurationSectionHandler, NHibernate" />

                <hibernate-configuration xmlns="urn:nhibernate-configuration-2.2">
   <property name="connection.provider">NHibernate.Connection.DriverConnectionProvider, NHibernate</property>
   <property name="connection.connection_string">
    Server=; Initial Catalog=thedatabase; Integrated Security=SSPI
   <property name="dialect">MyDialect</property>
   <property name="current_session_context_class">managed_web</property>
    <!-- other app specific config follows -->

<property name="Prop" type="long"/>

You could try to add another private "mirror"-property.

public class Enity
   public uint Count {get;set;}

   private long CountAsLong 
     get { return Convert.ToInt64(Count); } 
     set { Count = Convert.ToUInt(value); }

<property name="CountAsLong" type="long"/>

Of course you should do this only if it could not be solved by the mapping.
