Temporarily disable StyleCop warnings on ReSharper 6

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-01 14:09:02


I downloaded StyleCop 4.6.3 which integrates with ReSharper 6 and the results are really fantastic!

However on a specific project I would like to disable the StyleCop warnings (temporarily) and enable again later on.

Is there any way of doing this? I can't seem to find it on the ReSharper menu (options, etc).


You can use different Settings.Stylecop settings for each project, just create one that ignores all the rules. Right click on a project and select Stylecop settings to modify them.

I think you can also disable plugins by unticking them from ReSharper->Plugins... (in version 5.1, not sure if it's the same in 6.0)

