What is the best java web application framework that goes well with xml+xslt?

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-01 11:51:48

If you want XSLT stylesheets to be applied on the client-side to XMLs received from server (not opposite as you've written :)) you just have to return pure XML to the client with

<?xml-stylesheet ... ?>

construct embedded.

If you want to apply XSLTs to XMLs at server-side and return HTML to client - please dont' bother. We've been through this in very early years of XXI century - it's not very maintainable solution and very hard to debug. But if you want that (server-side solution), I also recommend SpringMVC's XLST view. There's also classic and hard-core solution called Cocoon which implements XML pipieline - it's nice from architectural point of view, but it's really hard to use in real projects, were classic MVC is more suitable.

Spring MVC has support for XSLT views (reference docs).

Try ReXSL, which is XML+XSL web development framework, with a classic MVC pattern.
