Mp3 audio in the Android Assets folder fails to play from a signed and zip-aligned APK

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2019-12-01 10:35:37

The reason your app works when run from within Eclipse (or MOTODEV Studio) on debug is it is not going through the full path that occurs on export. I don't have the SDK build process chart in front of me, but there is one out there. I'm sure a bit of probing the Ant scripts will expose what is going on.

I say this because there's nothing MOTODEV Studio does different from Eclipse wrt the build process. While there is a separate "Export with MOTODEV Studio" menu item, all that's happening there is a couple of fields are being pre-populated with information as a convenience and access to your certificate store. Otherwise, the export process is the same as Eclipse+ADT (which is what it is).

The problem seems to be related to the mediaPlayer.prepare() method in the of AndEngine. I've just comment out line 91 (as in the following code snipet) and the MP3 resource was loaded without any exceptions. I think the same can be done with the asset loading method.

public static Music createMusicFromResource(final MusicManager pMusicManager, final Context pContext, final int pMusicResID) throws IOException {
        final MediaPlayer mediaPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(pContext, pMusicResID);

        final Music music = new Music(pMusicManager, mediaPlayer);

        return music;

You could put the audio-files in the "RAW" folder and play them via:

mPlayer2= MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.MUSICTAG);

This way, there should be no problems with compression.
