How to Set inline Images Vertically Center in RichTextBox

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-01 00:18:00

You can use BaselineAlignment on a Run to center align the text. Here is an example:

            <Run Text="Some text" BaselineAlignment="Center"/>
            <Image Height="100" Width="100" Source="Images\Desert.jpg"/>
            <Run Text="Some more text" BaselineAlignment="Center"/>
            <Run Text="Paragraph 2" BaselineAlignment="Center"/>
            <Image Height="100" Width="100" Source="Images\Desert.jpg"/>
            <Run Text="More text" BaselineAlignment="Center"/>


To apply the formatting to the entire RichTextBox try calling this method after the RichTextBox is populated:

    public void CenterText()
        var text = new TextRange(rtb.Document.ContentStart, rtb.Document.ContentEnd);
        text.ApplyPropertyValue(Inline.BaselineAlignmentProperty, BaselineAlignment.Center);