Git: get specific revision from remote server

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-11-30 23:51:18

Just in case someone else runs into this issue: 90% of the answer is defined in the question under the EDIT part. The last 10% is probably not worth really diving into. The important points I repeat here:

  • Take care that on OSX Mevericks the default GIT version is <2.0, and therefore doesn't support the uploadarchive.allowunreachable tag. When accessing git over SSH, it may select a different version depending on whether you start an interactive SSH session or not (your path may be different).
  • git-upload-archive doesn't check for the uploadarchive.allowunreachable flag in the global git config. This seems to be a bug in GIT. The solution is to not use git-upload-archive, but git upload-archive (i.e. use the git script, with upload-archive as first argument). One way to do this is to supply --exec='/usr/local/bin/git upload-archive' to the git archive call.