Using CoInitializeEx on WinForms threads

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-11-30 21:24:30

a COM initialization is required for each thread

Yes, rock-hard requirement. So much so that the CLR does this automatically without you having to help. Every .NET thread has CoInitializeEx() called before it starts running.

The CLR needs to know what argument to pass to CoInitializeEx(), selecting between STA and MTA. For the startup thread of your Winforms program it is determined by the [STAThread] attribute on your Main() method in Program.cs. It must be STA, a hard requirement for threads that display UI. For any thread that you start yourself it is determined by your call to Thread.SetApartmentState(), default is MTA. For any thread-pool thread, like the one used by BackgroundWorker or Task or QUWI, it is always MTA and cannot be changed. An automatic consequence of such a thread never being able properly support STA if it is used correctly.

Which is also what your code snippet is doing wrong, it is illegal to start an STA thread and not pump a message loop. You tend to get away with it by accident. Sometimes you do not and code will deadlock or fail in other ways, like not raising expected events. Since the vendor sanctioned it doing wrong, it probably does not matter here. But if you ever notice deadlock then you'd know where to look.

Long story short, you must not call CoInitializeEx() yourself, it was already done.
