MenuBar Not Showing for Simple QMainWindow Code, Qt Creator Mac OS

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-11-30 20:07:32

I had same issued in ubuntu with python

I used menubar's setNativeMenubar method. You can find this in c++ pyqt docs.

    menu = self.menuBar()
Max Go

It's pretty old Qt bug on OS X. You can work with QMenu and QMenuBar by calling QMenuBar::addAction, QMenuBar::removeAction and QMenuBar::insertAction. The trick is done by calling of QMenu::menuAction method.

Check the code below:

QMenu *menu = new QMenu("First menu");
menu->addAction("item 1");
menu->addAction("item 2");

Also you can check my another answer here with code snippet ready to compile and run.

I know its late by 4 yrs, but i ran into same issue & spotted this on the Qt forum for ubuntu/Mac OS.

Add the following to your main.cpp before you declare your Mainwindow w:


In my case my main.cpp file now looks like:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
AddressBook addressBook;
AddressBookController controller (&addressBook);
QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_DontUseNativeMenuBar); //fix for menubar notshowing in ubuntu

MainWindow w(&controller);;
return a.exec();


The answer that has the most upvote works for Python, but question is for C++. However, the method is the same.

You can add this line on top of your constructor in mainwindow.cpp:

menu = self.menuBar()

