BDE initialization failure (error $2501) on Vista

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-11-30 19:45:44

You haven't mentioned if you've tried adjusting the virtual memory settings. BDE error 2501 is an "insufficient virtual memory" error. Some articles that may help:

Andy's answer link to is for some $30 software package that "claims" to fix BDE errors. I'd comment on it, but I don't have the reputation points. (...but someone else could...) The link doesn't work, but if you search for "BDE Setting" you'll probably find it. I can find no evidence or reviews that it works. Download unsigned exe's at your own risk... (I'll pass)

the resolution for the error is by increasing the shared memory available for the BDE.

I've found full solution for each Pc on x64 systems.

BDE-Setting x64 v.3.15
