Apps manually installed in simulator crashes upon load

不问归期 提交于 2019-11-30 17:34:37

I had the same problem, but using Xamarin. In Visual Studio I solved it by going to the iOS project properties and under "iOS Build" I changed the "Supported architectures" from "i386" to "i386 + x86_64".

Hopefully you can adapt that to XCode.

I encountered this problem in Xcode 6 when using the .app file in directory "Release-iphoneos" instead of "Release-iphonesimulator". There are multiple versions of this file, and you need to change the path in your install command to point to the correct one.

If this .app file was sent to you by someone/something else, it may be a copy from the wrong directory (not built for a simulator)

This can happen if you use the wrong sdk. If the project is built using the physical device sdk it crashes on start up when you try to open it on the simulator.

If you are building it from the command line with xcrun xcodebuild check thet the sdk is "iphonesimulator" not "iphoneos"

e.g xcrun xcodebuild -scheme <yourScheme> -configuration Debug -project <yourProject>.xcodeproj -sdk iphonesimulator build

when you say you export from Xcode, are you referring to export from iOS App Archive? if so you are missing an important fact that these package are build for iOS not Simulator which is totally different architecture as Nanoc pointed out.

You are trying to achieve an impossible solution to your problem.
