How do I test for an error in Haskell?

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-11-30 13:51:58

OP's solution defines assertException, but it looks like Test.HUnit.Tools.assertRaises from testpack is also usable here.

I added the msg argument to assertError to match how assertRaises works, and included selective imports so noobs like me can learn where commonly used things are imported from.

import Control.Exception (ErrorCall(ErrorCall), evaluate)
import Test.HUnit.Base  ((~?=), Test(TestCase, TestList))
import Test.HUnit.Text (runTestTT)
import Test.HUnit.Tools (assertRaises)

pos :: Int -> Int
pos x
   | x >= 0 = x
   | otherwise = error "Invalid Input"

instance Eq ErrorCall where
    x == y = (show x) == (show y)

assertError msg ex f = 
    TestCase $ assertRaises msg (ErrorCall ex) $ evaluate f

tests = TestList [
  (pos 0) ~?= 0
  , (pos 1) ~?= 1
  , assertError "Negative argument raises an error" "Invalid Input" (pos (-1))

main = runTestTT tests

There are several ways to handle errors in Haskell. Here is an overview:


The first example shows how to catch errors, e.g.

half :: Int -> Int 
half x = if even x then x `div` 2 else error "odd"

main = do catch (print $ half 23) (\err -> print err)

That said, this kind of error handling is better suited for IO stuff, in pure code like yours Maybe, Either or something similar is usually a better choice. It could be as simple as...

pos :: Int -> Maybe Int
pos x
   | x >= 0 = Just x
   | otherwise = Nothing

tests = [pos 1 == Just 1
        ,pos (-1) == Nothing
        ,pos 2 == Just 2
        ,pos (-2) == Nothing

main = print $ and tests

... if you don't need an error type.
