Ember-table integration with Ember-model / Ember-data

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-11-30 03:54:19

Here's a JSBin that I got working with Ember Data and the RESTAdapter: http://jsbin.com/eVOgUrE/3/edit

It works very similarly to the AJAX loading example, but uses Ember Data to load the data. I created a RowProxy object that is returned immediately to the Ember Table so that it can render a row. After Ember Data loads a page full of data it sets the object property on the RowProxy which updates the view.

window.App = Ember.Application.create();

// The main model that will be loaded into Ember Table 
App.Gallery = DS.Model.extend({
  name: DS.attr('string'),
  smallUrl: DS.attr('string')

// This is a temporary buffer object that sits between
// Ember Table and the model object (Gallery, in this case).
App.RowProxy = Ember.Object.extend({
  getObjectProperty : function(prop){
    var obj = this.get('object');
    if(obj){ console.log(prop + " : " + obj.get(prop)); }
    return obj ? obj.get(prop) : 'loading...';
  isLoaded : function(){ return !!this.get('object'); }.property('object'),
  name : function(){ return this.getObjectProperty('name'); }.property('object.name'),
  id : function(){ return this.getObjectProperty('id'); }.property('object.id'),
  smallUrl : function(){ return this.getObjectProperty('smallUrl'); }.property('object.smallUrl')

App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
  tableController: Ember.computed(function() {
    return Ember.get('App.TableAjaxExample.TableController').create({
      // We need to pass in the store so that the table can use it
      store : this.get('store')

App.TableAjaxExample = Ember.Namespace.create();

App.TableAjaxExample.ImageTableCell = Ember.Table.TableCell.extend({
  templateName: 'img-table-cell',
  classNames: 'img-table-cell'

App.TableAjaxExample.LazyDataSource = Ember.ArrayProxy.extend({
  requestPage : function(page){
    var content, end, start, url, _i, _results,
      _this = this;

    content = this.get('content');
    start = (page - 1) * 3;
    end = start + 3;

    // Find galleries and then update the RowProxy to hold a gallery as 'object'
      return galleries.forEach(function(gallery, index) {    
        var position = start + index;

    // Fill the 'content' array with RowProxy objects
    // Taken from the 'requestGithubEvent' method of the original example
    return (function() {
      _results = [];
      for (var _i = start; start <= end ? _i < end : _i > end; start <= end ? _i++ : _i--){ _results.push(_i); }
      return _results;
    }).apply(this).forEach(function(index) {
      return content[index] = App.RowProxy.create({
        index: index

  objectAt: function(index) {
    var content, row;
    content = this.get('content');
    row = content[index];
    if (row && !row.get('error')) {
      return row;
    this.requestPage(Math.floor(index / 3 + 1));
    return content[index];

App.TableAjaxExample.TableController = Ember.Table.TableController.extend({
  hasHeader: true,
  hasFooter: false,
  numFixedColumns: 0,
  numRows: 19,
  rowHeight: 35,
  columns: Ember.computed(function() {
    var avatar, columnNames, columns;

    avatar = Ember.Table.ColumnDefinition.create({
      columnWidth: 80,
      headerCellName: 'smallUrl',
      tableCellViewClass: 'App.TableAjaxExample.ImageTableCell',
      contentPath: 'smallUrl'
    columnNames = ['id', 'name'];
    columns = columnNames.map(function(key, index) {
      return Ember.Table.ColumnDefinition.create({
        columnWidth: 150,
        headerCellName: key.w(),
        contentPath: key
    return columns;
  content: Ember.computed(function() {
    return App.TableAjaxExample.LazyDataSource.create({
      content: new Array(this.get('numRows')),
      store : this.get('store')

App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
  host: 'http://files.cloudhdr.com/api/v1/public',
  // This is here to use underscores in API params
  pathForType: function(type) {
    var underscored = Ember.String.underscore(type);
    return Ember.String.pluralize(underscored);

// Everything below is all here to use underscores in API params.
// You may or may not need this.

  modelTypeFromRoot: function(root) {
    console.log("modelTypeFromRoot " + root);
    var camelized = Ember.String.camelize(root);
    return Ember.String.singularize(camelized);

App.ApplicationSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
  normalize: function(type, hash, property) {
    var normalized = {}, normalizedProp;

    for (var prop in hash) {
      if (prop.substr(-3) === '_id') {
        // belongsTo relationships
        normalizedProp = prop.slice(0, -3);
      } else if (prop.substr(-4) === '_ids') {
        // hasMany relationship
        normalizedProp = Ember.String.pluralize(prop.slice(0, -4));
      } else {
        // regualarAttribute
        normalizedProp = prop;

      normalizedProp = Ember.String.camelize(normalizedProp);
      normalized[normalizedProp] = hash[prop];

    return this._super(type, normalized, property);