How do I pass the Button as CommandParameter from XAML in a Xamarin.Forms Page?

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-11-30 01:27:27


I would like to pass a Xamarin.Forms.Button in it's own Command as the CommandParameter to my ViewModel. I know how to achieve this from the code behind e.g. ...

XAML (with most properties missed out for brevity)

<Button x:Name="myButton"
    Text="My Button"
    Command="{Binding ButtonClickCommand}"/>


public partial class MyTestPage
    public MyTestPage()

        myButton.CommandParameter = myButton;


public class MyViewModel : ViewModelBase
    public MyViewModel()
        ButtonClickCommand = new Command(
            (parameter) =>
                var view = parameter as Xamarin.Forms.Button;
                if (view != null)
                    // Do Stuff

    public ICommand ButtonClickCommand { get; private set; }

... BUT is it possible to declare the CommandParameter in the XAML itself? Or in other words what is the binding syntax to set the parameter to the button itself?

<Button x:Name="myButton"
        Text="My Button"
        Command="{Binding ButtonClickCommand}"
        CommandParameter="{[WHAT WOULD GO HERE]}"/>

btw I've already tried CommandParameter="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}" and that didn't work.



Xamarin.Forms has a Reference markup extension that does just that:

<Button x:Name="myButton"
    Text="My Button"
    Command="{Binding ButtonClickCommand}"
    CommandParameter="{x:Reference myButton}"/>

Although, this is the first time I'm seeing this need, and you probably can better separate your Views from your ViewModels and solve this by using a cleaner pattern, or by not sharing a command across buttons.


 <Button x:Name="myButton"
        Text="My Button"
        Command="{Binding ButtonClickCommand}"
        CommandParameter="{x:Reference myButton}"/>

In your ViewModel

public YourViewModel()
    ButtonClickCommand= new Command(ButtonClicked);

private async void ButtonClicked(object sender)
    var view = sender as Xamarin.Forms.Button;


<Button x:Name="myButton"
    Text="My Button"
    Command="{Binding ButtonClickCommand}"
    CommandParameter={Binding RelativeSource=
                                AncestorType={x:Type Button}}/>

Should work, but im still at a loss why you need the button? The point of MVVM is to seperate Data and UI. everything you should need todo to the button can be done via DataBindings.

If the above doesnt work, the only other thing to try is to give the button an x:Key and CommandParamter = {StaticResource 'x:Key'}

