Remove literals from input mask after form submit?

邮差的信 提交于 2019-11-29 11:37:08


this question has already been asked but the solutions where not clear.

Im using Josh Bush's MaskedInput plugin for jQuery

What im trying to achieve is:

E.g: a phone input with the mask


EQUALS: (00)9398-8373

i want it to submit : 0093988373

------ Is it possible to remove the .mask on submit but keep the value?


I think you want to use unmask

$("#myForm").submit(function() {


Set removeMaskOnSubmit as true when you initialize the inputmask

    $("#txtPhone").inputmask({removeMaskOnSubmit: true});


Based on Plugin Site:



unmask is not a function. This is my way of use. autoUnmask: true

    $('#amount').inputmask('999.999.999.999', {
        numericInput: true,
        autoUnmask: true,


If you are using the completed callback, then you can just use:

$(element).mask("(99)9999-9999", {
  completed : function () {
    var numbers = this.val().replace(/()-/g,'');

Otherwise, you can use:


If you want to do this before submitting, I suggesting capturing the submit event, using the code immediately above and then submitting the form.

EDIT: Alex Peattie pointed out the unmask() function, which I must say is a much better solution than mine. I'll leave my answer here, but I'd go with his solution.


You can also extract the raw value on a masked input using

$("#YourSelector").data( $.mask.dataName )();

Source :

If you use a phone input with such a mask :

$(".phone").mask("99 99 99 99 99")

you can extract the user input using :

// will produce "0102030405" while the masks displays 01 02 03 04 05


Assuming you have more than just one input being submitted, you could use:

// unmask all inputs, before savinf;
$(FormObj+" input[type=text]").each(function() {

where FormObj is your form object id, such as #form.

