NSMetaDataQuery never calls back with NSMetadataQueryDidFinishGatheringNotification

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-11-29 10:41:28

Make sure you start the NSMetadataQuery in the main thread. Back then this requirement was not documented.

This was quite the secret to dig up. I don't know if you've given up by now, but at long last, I might be able to help.

It turns out that for some (all?) C++ app configurations, there is a message pump that doesn't run automatically. In my app, I finally started getting my expected callbacks after placing a loop like this following my [m_query startQuery] call:
// make it look syncronous for now while( m_state != finished ) { Check_For_Interruption(); [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:timeslice]]; //<--**this line is the key** }
where the callbacks are setup to correctly update the m_state variable.

My example just blocks, using it's own thread timeslice to run the loop (unless interrupted by a timeout being reached), but this could also be set up in an asynchronous way.

Another thing to note for those who go overboard on legacy support:
This method did cause the app to start leaking mach ports on OS X 10.9 and older. Haven't seen any problems on anything newer than that, though.
