Unknown CMake command “ExternalProject_Add”

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-11-29 09:20:55

The required module should be part of your cmake installation. But you have to include it into your project with:


before the call of externalproject_add(YOUR STUFF HERE)


CMAKE_ROOT points to the cmake installation in use. All modules are within subfolder Modules.

You can print out the current value with message(STATUS "CMAKE_ROOT=${CMAKE_ROOT}"). Or you are using smart macros for that. See CMake

While it is not directly written in documentation pages, CMake functions described under cmake-modules section requires including specific module.

As function ExternalProject_Add is described in the documentation page titled as "ExternalProject", you need to use


before using it.

Same strategy works for any other modules except Find<name> ones. Those modules are used via
