Upload image directly through mySQL Command Line

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-11-29 09:10:37

Try using the LOAD_FILE() function.

UPDATE `certain_table`
SET image = LOAD_FILE('/full/path/to/new/image.jpg')
WHERE id = 1234;

See the manual for requirements about the path to the filename, privileges, etc.

LOAD_FILE works only with certain privileges and if the file is on the server. I've found out a way to make it work completely client side:

mysql -e "update mytable set image=FROM_BASE64('`base64 -i image.png`')" DBNAME

The idea is to encode the image to base64 on the fly and let then MySql to decode it.

This is a variation on Teudimundo's answer that works with older MySQL versions, where Base64 functions are not available:

mysql -e "update mytable set col = x'$(xxd -p image.png | tr -d \\n)' where ..."

The trick is to use xxd -p to convert a binary file to a plain hexdump:

$ xxd -p /usr/share/font-manager/data/blank.png

then using tr -d \\n to remove the newlines, and finally embedding the result into a MySQL-specific hexdump string literal: x'...'

I recommend you to never upload images directly in a database, it's quite inefficient. It's better to simply store the location and name of the image and store those images in a folder somewhere.

and if you want to "upload" via the commandline, you can just do an:

insert into table(image_loc) values('/images/random/cool.jpg') where id=1;

and depending on your environment you can use shell access to move images around. I'm not quite sure what you are trying to do with these images or how your system is setup. You'll probably need to clarify on that.

It is more preferable to build a sample application and then insert the values in the database. For instance this method could be used to enter a BLOB datatype into the database...

                public string sendDataToMySql(string get_name, byte[] buffer)
                    string MyConString = "SERVER=localhost;" +
                          "DATABASE=test;" +
                          "UID=root;" +

                    MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(MyConString);
                    MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand("", connection);
                    command.CommandText = "insert into testImage(name, image) values(@name, @image);";

                    MySqlParameter oParam1 = command.Parameters.Add("@name", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                    oParam1.Value = get_name;

                    MySqlParameter oParam2 = command.Parameters.Add("@image", MySqlDbType.Blob);
                    oParam2.Value = buffer;


                    return "Data was inserted successfully!";
sushil surana

Sometimes we try to upload file using loadfile but file is not loaded or file path in formatted text is stored in BLOB field. This is because of access issues. If you are facing such condition, instead of loading file from any location, try to load it from data path of mysql preferably like :

INSERT INTO `srms`.`images` (`ID`, `Image`) VALUES ('5', load_file('C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\Uploads\test.jpg'));