In PostgreSQL, how to insert data with COPY command?

寵の児 提交于 2019-11-29 09:08:59

is not supported by pgAdmin.
You get a plain syntax error because Postgres gets the data as SQL code.

Four possible solutions:

1. Use a multi-row INSERT instead:

INSERT INTO beer(name, tags, alcohol, brewery, id, brewery_id, image)
  ('Bons Voeux', 'blonde', 9.5, 'Brasserie Dupont', 250, 130, 'generic.png')
, ('Boerke Blond', 'blonde', 6.8, 'Brouwerij Angerik', 233, 287 'generic.png')

Note the different (SQL) syntax for values as string or numeric literals.

You can generate the data with pg_dump using --inserts. Related:

2. Or call your script on the command line using psql. As system user postgres:

psql -f beer.sql -U my_login_role -d db_name 

Database (-d) and login role (-U for "User") can be omitted if defaults are ok. Syntax examples:

Be sure there is an end-of-data marker (\.) for default text format. (You have that.) The manual:

End of data can be represented by a single line containing just backslash-period (\.). An end-of-data marker is not necessary when reading from a file, since the end of file serves perfectly well; it is needed only when copying data to or from client applications using pre-3.0 client protocol.

3. Or move your data to a separate file on the server, say 'beer_data.csv' and use COPY .. FROM 'filename' in your script:

COPY beer (name, tags, alcohol, brewery, id, brewery_id, image)
FROM '/path/to/beer_data.csv';

Which works either way. You need superuser privileges, though. The manual:

[...] COPY naming a file or command is only allowed to database superusers or users who are granted one of the default roles pg_read_server_files, pg_write_server_files, or pg_execute_server_program, since it allows reading or writing any file or running a program that the server has privileges to access.

(pg_read_server_files, pg_write_server_files and pg_execute_server_program are new in Postgres 11.)

4. Or read a file local to the client with the psql meta-command \copy. See:

First step:

create Database belgianbeers on pgAdmin.

Second step: Open prompt and running this command line:

psql -U postgres -d belgianbeers -a -f beers.sql

This command line running e update database tables.

-U = username postgres
