Debugging Python and C++ exposed by boost together

早过忘川 提交于 2019-11-28 21:21:47

I found out how to debug the C++ part while running python. (realized it while reading about process ID detection in Python book..).
First you run the python program which includes C++ programs. At the start of the python program, use raw_input() to make the program wait for you input. But just before that do print os.getpid() (of course you should have imported os package). When you run the python program, it will have printed the pid of the python program you are running and will be waiting for your keyboard input.

python stop code :

import os

def w1(str):
    print (str)
    wait = raw_input()

print os.getpid()
w1('starting a key')

result :

starting a key

Or, you can use import pdb, pdb.set_trace() as comment below.(thanks @AndyG) and see EDIT* to get pid using ps -aux.

Now, suppose the C++ shared library is (which is my case. This library has all the C++ codes and boost python wrapper functions). 27352 is the pid. Then in another shell start gdb like

gdb caffe-fast-rcnn/python/caffe/ 27352

or if you want to use graphical debugging using like DDD, do

ddd caffe-fast-rcnn/python/caffe/ 27352

Then you'll see gdb starts and wait with prompt. The python program is interrupted by gdb and waits in stopped mode (it was waiting for your key input but now it's really in stopeed mode, and it needs gdb continue command from the second debugger to proceed with the key waiting).
Now you can give break point command in gdb like

br solver.cpp:225

and you can see message like

Breakpoint 1 at 0x7f2cccf70397: file src/caffe/solver.cpp, line 226. (2 locations)

When you give continue command in the second gdb window(that was holding the program), the python code runs again. Of course you should give a key input in the first gdb window to make it proceed.
Now at least you can debug the C++ code while running python program(that's what I wanted to do)!

I later checked if I can do python and C++ debugging at the same time and it works. You start the debugger(DDD) like ddd -pydb options.. and attach another DDD using method explained above. Now you can set breakpoints for python and C++ and using other debug functions in each window(I wish I had known this a couple of months earlier.. It should have helped tons.).

EDIT : to get the pid, you can do ps -aux | grep python instead. This pid is the next of ddd's pid.

I had a similar problem, but failed to get the solutions in Chan's answer to work (on MAC OS X 10.12.4). Instead the following worked for me.

  1. Write a python script that imports and uses the boost.Python module.
  2. start python in the debugger

    lldb python3


    > lldb python3
    (lldb) target create "python3"
    Current executable set to 'python3' (x86_64).
    (lldb) settings set --  ""
    (lldb) run
    Process 46189 launched: '/Users/me/anaconda/bin/python3' (x86_64) was compiled with optimization - stepping may behave oddly; variables may not be available.
    Process 46189 stopped
    * thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x10d4b3000)
    frame #0: 0x00000001019f49c2`std::__1::enable_if<true, void>::type (anonymous namespace)::Render2D<double>::add_particle<true, 5ul>(float*, float, float, float, float) const [inlined] mylib::SSE::packed<8ul, float>::loadu(
       944        { return {_mm256_load_ps(p)}; }
       945        /// load from unaligned memory location
       946        static __always__inline packed loadu(const element_type*p) noexcept
    -> 947        { return {_mm256_loadu_ps(p)}; }
       948        /// load from aligned memory location, using template arg for alignment
       949        template<bool aligned>
       950        static __always_inline enable_if_t< aligned, packed>

No need to obtain the pid and start the debugger from a separate window or set any breakpoints.
