Wordpress and Woocomerce integration with mobile app [closed]

我们两清 提交于 2021-02-20 05:26:44


My wife has an online store built in Wordpress with Woocomerce. Now we are working on the mobile app in Flutter for people who buy diets in the store. We want to integrate some data from Wordpress/Woocomerce with the mentioned app.

  • We want to give users possibility to sing in with Wordpress account in the mobile app. Also for social accounts like Google or Facebook (store uses https://woocommerce.com/products/woocommerce-social-login/ to provide social login functionality)
  • We want to use data collected during order process (like age, weight of customer) in the mobile application. This data is connected with particular products, so when the customer buys some product and provides personal data then those data should be available in the mobile app.
  • When the customer bought some product and paid for it then the product should be available in the mobile app.

I consider three possible solutions:

  • Use Wordpress API as a backend for the mobile app. This is the worst solution in my opinion because of performance, scalability (we use classic hosting for our store) and poor resistance to changes in Wordpress API.
  • Use Zapier and Firebase (Firestore) (https://zapier.com/apps/firebase/integrations/wordpress). This would be nice solution but I`m not sure if it fulfill our all requirements.
  • Use Firebase directly (Firestore, Firebase functions) and Wordpress hooks to export data to Firestore after particular user actions. Then we can use Firestore as a data source in our app (easy to integrate because of using Flutter). Also some Firebase function will be useful to process raw data from Wordpress. We consider to use this plugin to make development faster - https://firebase.dalenguyen.me/

That`s all in general.

What do you think about proposed solutions? Maybe there is other way to make it easier/faster/better? Thanks!

