SQL LIKE operator not showing any result when it should

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2021-02-19 12:54:34


I got a Vehicle table with lots of info but one of the columns being 'Owner' in a MSSQL table

But one of the owners i can't select when i use LIKE but can if i use =

'Silkeborg Distributionscenter' is the owner (Yes there is a double space in both the table and the param)

So the param is:

DECLARE @Owners nvarchar(MAX) = 'Silkeborg  Distributionscenter'

I tried:

SELECT * FROM Vehicle WHERE @Owners = Owner 
--This gave me all the correct results


SELECT * FROM Vehicle WHERE @Owners LIKE Owner
--No result


SELECT * FROM Vehicle WHERE @Owners COLLATE Danish_Norwegian_CI_AS LIKE Owner COLLATE Danish_Norwegian_CI_AS
--No result

I need to use LIKE because i need to be able to select a array of owners at once. So the original select statement look like this

SELECT * FROM Vehicle WHERE ('|' + @Owners + '|' like '%|' + Owner + '|%')
--No result

Any Ideas?

Edit: It all works fine the @Owners is 'Fredericia Distributionscenter' but not 'Silkeborg Distributionscenter', Both of them is within the table.

Is the something work in the 'Silkeborg Distributionscenter' text?


Promoted to an answer as requested.

You have some space characters in the end of your Owner field in Vehicle table. '=' operator skips trailing spaces, 'like' operator doesn't.


try interchanging the column and the parameter

FROM   Vehicle 
WHERE  Owner LIKE '%' + @Owners + '%'


the following runs fine, I suspect a missing information

declare @t  table (
    owner nvarchar(50)

insert into @t values ('Silkeborg  Distributionscenter'), ('rzrzezer')

declare @owner nvarchar(max) = 'Silkeborg  Distributionscenter'

select * from @t
-- two lines
select * from @t where @owner = owner
-- one line
select * from @t where @owner like owner
-- one line

still works with

set @owner = 'Silkeborg  Distributionscenter|another one'
select * from @t where '|' + @owner + '|'  like '%|' + owner + '|%'
-- one line

but fail if

insert into @t values ('Silkeborg  Distributionscenter|abc')
select * from @t where '|' + @owner + '|'  like '%|' + owner + '|%'
-- one line, you may expect 2 in this case consider using a many to many relation


Your query is incorrect. Write it like:

SELECT * FROM Vehicle WHERE Owners like '%' + @Owners + '%'


DECLARE @Owners nvarchar(MAX) = '%Silkeborg  Distributionscenter%'

FROM   Vehicle 
WHERE  Owner LIKE @Owners

Or you can pass a modified param too, this of use when passing params from front end

