Custom login page for Windows Authentication when using IIS

我们两清 提交于 2021-02-19 08:34:39


I am developing an intranet website application in ASP.NET Core 2.0 and trying to use Windows Authentication in conjunction with IIS, and then check the user against the authorised users in a database before the user can continue.

The issue is, that the default browser pop-up is not really what is desired. Ideally, I want to use a custom login/logout page with this method, but I don't think it's possible.

Alternative routes I have seen, are turning Windows Auth off, turning Anonymous auth on and using Cookies (but it seems the password is not checked against anything, only the username), or using Identity (which I suspect might be the best route).

What is the best route to follow in this situation? Are there any alternatives? Ideally, I would like to stick with Windows/AD auth in the current form and just provide a login page.


